Pray BFF Letter #196
Sunday, August 21, 2011
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In Weakness Find Strength

Dear Prayer Partners,
Anything changed?
Well, probably not too much. We have seen $500 come in for the trip. We only need $3500 now. But to be honest, I have been under the weather for a week now. I rest and feel okay, but then relapse into physical weakness. This ‘go slow’ routine is added on top of the other testings.
So our faith prayers continue.
God can do more without Google than with it during these trying times.
God can bring in more money than less during this time when we cannot extend a tax exempt receipt.
God can accomplish more that He wants done during this physically down period than if I was up and healthy.
What about the preparations?
God has worked out a lot of details for the tail end of the trip in Singapore. I am looking forward to meeting a number of people or ministries that have been using BFF material.
Translation of the notes is almost done – just two weeks to go!
We need lots of prayer. The coordinator up north in the mountains is concerned that storms will interfere with the meetings. We are praying for fair weather during the seminar as well as the day before and afterwards so the pastors can travel.
Some have asked if I have prepared the messages. I tell them, “Yes and no.” Yes, I have taught the three days worth of messages before. But no, God is training me right now through these prayers to keep trusting Him. Waiting times are strategic times to wait upon the Lord and see how He will provide.
Lastly, we are glad to say that our church has been gracious enough to open giving to BFF during this interim through them. If you want a tax receipt, do this.
Mail to: PCCO 134 North Dithridge Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Write check to PCCO in note: BFF STM (for STM) or if general (just BFF)
PCCO stands for PIttsburgh Chinese Church in Oakland
Keep praying
Do keep us in prayer. We have lots of weakness right now. I am confident, however, that God will turn things just when the right time comes. No one likes unripe fruit. God waits for just the right moment.
Praise the Lord that I could finish the Swahili (Kenya and East Africa) Library today.
It’s exciting to see lots of new students come to church. Always a great time to share the Gospel.
Thank the Lord for another $500 for the trip.
I have made great progress in editing Running the Race, Overcoming Lusts book. (While lying down using my laptop!)
We are thankful for providing most of Allison’s college needs. Pray for the remaining to come in.
Ask God, in His time and by His means, to resolve: Google search, tax exempt and virus. (Linda has it too!).
Linda felt so bad she couldn’t even cook Allison a goodbye meal. Allison had to cook it! Allison is back to college tomorrow.
We are hoping to get homeschool back into operation Monday so everything is going smoothly before I go on my training ministry.
Seek the Lord for $3500 and protection for the ministry.
- Pray for fair weather during Sept 7-11 up in those hills in Myanmar.
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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