Pray BFF #79 August 26, 2005
Dear Prayer Team,
Exciting and Demanding Preparations
Preparation time is winding down. They leave September 4th!
Handouts have to be sent to India today to be translated. But there is still much to do to get ready to deliver 16 messages per seminar. Thankfully each seminar will have the same messages repeated. But then there are the other speaking engagements here and there that we do not even know about. Last time Paul had to speak several times with only 5 minutes preparation. Often, because he does not understand the local Telegu language he is the last to know things! He might ask, "What are we doing here?" He then finds out that he is going to speak!
We praise God for the $4800 that came in this week toward the trip. We only need $2300 more. Much like an approaching storm, we can already feel the 'affects' touching our homes. It is not easy to leave our lovely families. It is hard to spend special time with our wives and children when we still have so much preparation work to do. But it is a must.
Need a Little Extra Motivation?
Things are busy around the Bucknell house. Homeschool is off to a good start. But now someone with a camera is going to live with us for several days next week. A producer from London, England wants an 'inside' picture of a family who raises their children by Biblical principles. They are doing a documentary on different ways to raise kids and want to know why we chose this way. With eight children I guess we are interesting to observe! Now we are in the process of making our house a bit neater. Afterall she will be filming our children and interviewing us here in our home. Most importantly is that we can show how good and special it is to live God's way as revealed in His Word. Pray that it will all be done to honor God–especially the editing part.
(The new August 19th editiion India 2005 report is ready with pictures. We need your prayers!)
If you want to invest in this India project and would like a tax deductible receipts, please make your check out to PLF (as below). In the memo write BFF STM (India). A tax deductible receipt will be mailed at the end of the year. Otherwise just use the address at the end of the email.
Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation (PLF)
100 Ross Street, 4th Fl.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2013
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
Praise God that about 80% of our financial need for India has already come in!
Thank the Lord that tickets are purchased; Accommodations settled.
Keng got his visa!
Sunday school class (Cross Trainer) went very well but we couldn't fit the 40+ students in the room.
The Lord gave us a last minute opportunity to share about the India mission.
The Lord has been giving lots of wisdom and help for preparations.
Thank the Lord for all the people around the world praying for this training seminar. It is special because of your prayers and support. Just think you have some in the mountains of India praying shoulder to shoulder for this same event. To God be the glory!
Keng's prayer requests:
Pray for focused time to prepare the messages.
Pray for continuity of OIF church ministries and leadership in Sept and beyond. I will be absent and Calvin's wife is expecting a baby very soon.
Pray for protection for my family. Jayden had troubled going to sleep last night. He was crying and even threw up. Not his usual self.
Pray for healing of my left shoulder and upper back. I have been experiencing pain in that area for some time now.
Paul's requests:
We are asking God for the balance of what we think is needed for the India trip - $2,300.
Keep praying for peace, health and joy for Pastor Stephen and his wife during final preparations.
Paul is preaching and teaching this Sunday (Aug 28).
Ability to care for the family during this special time.
Protection for the family, both physical and spiritual.
Ask the Lord to prepare the heart of each pastor, church planter, and evangelist that comes so that God's Word will rightly impact each of their hearts and lives.
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