Pray BFF #72 May 4, 2005
Dear Prayer Team,
Timely Strategy
It might be at high level leadership strategy meetings or the average church member's observations but I hear the same thing again and again, "Seminaries are not doing an adequate job in preparing men for ministry.
Just last week, I asked the Lord to help me better understand one key ministry of BFF: Advanced Discipleship Training (ADT). The Lord started speaking loud and clear. He is giving me messages for India as well as conversations with key Christian leaders. We are not sure what about the next step but are sure God has something for this leadership training material.
Parents, Couples and More
God has given us training materials not only to convince people of His ability to help them but to give couples, parents and individuals practical solutions. One person recently said of the marriage class that you prayed for,
"The messages have substantially helped to improve our marriages."
Paul has been contemplating whether or not to offer to teach these materials to the community at large. Please pray for God's opening and anointing to bring real glory to His Name through effectively changing people's lives.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
The parenting class attendees have been eager to learn.
Good trip for Paul and Linda to get away to Virginia for a long weekend . Thank the Lord for safety at home.
Paul's 4 messages or studies on marriage were well received.
We especially thank the Lord for blessing the three messages on improving marriages. Your prayers were answered! We even had three unbelieving law professors from another country there.
Allison's homemade loft bed is built! Hurray! Our theme for this month is endurance. We sure got to practice it.
Doing the final touches on the Cross Training discipleship materials and parenting materials for printing.
Thank the Lord for the Christian Leadership Renewal Center's opening. It went very well. Now we need to seek the Lord for blessing upon its ministry.
Our family has been plagued with colds for the last three weeks. Very unusual. Right now three have bad colds.
Pray for Paul's sermon on Sunday, 5/8.
Pastor Stephen continues to have special prayer and evangelistic journeys into largely unreached areas of his state.
Keep praying for grace for Linda to find time so that she can edit and still manage her many other duties!
Ask the Lord for increased donations for BFF.
Pray for Paul to his time wisely.
Pray that God's hand will be clearly seen in the development of the leadership training materials - ADT.
Ask God to bless each Wednesday parenting class. We still need baby sitters for weeks 5-10.
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