Pray BFF#26 June 24, 2002
Dear Prayer Team,
Go into all the world and make disciples!
One of BFF's visions is to reach all the world. Since our materials are free on the web, people from all nations can take hold of God's truths. Many without access to their own computers use Internet Cafes or the like. We have received interesting comments, prayer requests and other requests from brothers who want more of God's truth theology embedded in practical Christian discipleship material. Though English is an international language, we realize that BFF's materials need to be translated into other languages. So far, we have not progressed at all in this important area. We hope this will change soon.
By God's grace, Life Shine Ministries in India will soon begin translating BFF's material into Telugu. 7.8% of India's billion+ people speak Telugu, a Sanskrit language. Much of last week was spent printing out discipleship material for them. They do not have any computer equipment. They are praying for 20 workers who will dedicate themselves to God's word, be trained and then be sent out to start new works in unreached areas. Our greatest joy is to join in praying for Pastor Stephen Paul Son and the implementation of God's work through them.
"And they sang a new song, saying, Worthy art Thou to take the book, and to break its seals; for Thou wast slain, and didst purchase for God with Thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. And Thou hast made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth. (Revelation 5:9,10).
Reconciliation ministry?
Several times in the last weeks the LORD has been pointing out deep-seated divisions among large groups of His people. Each time the challenge came with it, "My truth can bring these groups together." We certainly do not have answers for some of the most difficult problems that Christians face, but we are compelled to pray for answers for truths that help bring reconciliation between groups of God's people.
Please join with us in prayer!
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
Kathryn was diagnosed with asthma and the steroid medicine brought relief within a day. We are thankful for this, but she is still wheezing a little.
Since the Web search engines (several of them work in conjunction with each other) have indexed BFF, page views have averaged close to half of our year's goal of 500/day. Praise Him!
Some insight was given for organizing BFF's discipleship material. More help is needed.
Many of the minor web 'bugs' were worked out the same time the material was being printed for the India ministry. Fortunately, the web pages as seen on the web were not affected.
We are thankful for a temporary job for Elizabeth at the Post Office.
We thank God for special answers to prayer.
Thank the Lord for the ability to reach out to the unreached people in India through BFF's web materials.
God's grace is needed for the second series on strengthening marriages due to go out in the next week or two.
May God enable Pastor Stephen in southern India as he works through Nehemiah. There are many obstacles. God's Spirit is greater.
Paul will be speaking quite a lot in July. May God release His truth to His people and convert the lost.
People will not be set free by God's truth alone . Pray for God's Spirit to pour out like a river on the needy hearts of His people.
Pray for Elizabeth and Christy as they find and settle into jobs.
Differences in worship styles are a worsening problem in the church.
Ask God to raise up translators with a burden for revival for their associated people groups.
Please continue to pray for health and protection for our family.

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