The Goal and Design of Marriage: Intimacy |
![]() Reviving Our Personal Devotions
Detecting Error from Without and Within the Christian Community- A Discussion of Cults & Error - Update BFF 8/27/2002 |
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![]() Understanding Genuine Revivals
![]() The Book of Haggai
The Book of GenesisIntroduction & Genesis 1:1-2:17
Understanding Genuine RevivalsRevival Overview Page
The Biblical Parenting Principles SeminarParenting Overview Page
It is time to renew your confidence in God's Word!Many of us have tucked the 'sword of God' away because we don't believe that it works anymore. This is not true. Just let the blade of the sword touch your heart and you will see its powerful effect.Come and see the origins of the Bible and restor your confidence in His Word. Six intriguing questions are answered in the process of restoring our faith in Him.
The goal of many local churches is to maintain their last year's program. Others are trying hard not to die. Have you ever wondered with me, "Why don't God's churches grow more?"THE FLOW aptly uses the beautiful analogy of a river to describe the good and natural work that God desires to do in churches through four different levels of discipleship training.THE FLOW shows how a flaw in the churches' training process holds back God's truth from being effective. Many charts highlight the problems and solutions to making your church one in which God's powerful stream of grace flows through your lives. |
Deep Magic and RealityWho is explaining the world of magic to the average person? They get involved in witchcraft, sorcery and other occult practices but never hear what God has to say about them. They become ensnared by dark powers, but Christ can set them free! Our first series introduces the dark world of deep magic in a way that most can understand. Understanding the Dark WorldOur second collection of articles is addressed to Christians with lots of questions about the occult. They hear lots of things about demon possession, Satan, exorcism and other matters from every different source. But they are not sure what God's Word says about them. Now is your opportunity to further explore these issues with your Bible in hand. |
See how some a real life church came into being! Four principles of God's Word are highlighted from this case study. Real situations and photos from Taiwan are used to illustrate the truths and purposes of planning, handling difficulties, learning to pray in faith and having loving teammates. Some things which should be observable were not. We look at discipleship planning, leadership training and instilling vision as three problems that held back that church from being a better church. |
Advanced Discipleship Training (ADT)
Our courses focus on supplying the needed training for those interested in ministry. Five course modules, each consisting of two major projects, are available without cost. |
Easter Messages & two series updates
By studying God's design we get a special picture of marriage. Not only do we discover that God wants us to have great marriages but that He has a way to get each couple there.Three life principles from God's Word enable us to easily understand God's design for marriage which in turn help us see what the marital problems are and to make the needed corrective measures.Each of the ten graphic-filled sessions have ten pages reading and a great handout for class! Come and see how God wants your marriage not just to be okay but GREAT! |
Although having a person in your congregation sensing a call to full-time ministry is a blessing, it also often brings much confusion.The person being called doesn't know what he is suppose to do next. People might tell him that he needs to go to seminary, but he could be better trained in so many different areas before any formalized training.The church leaders are also confused. They do not know how to get someone that is young mature enough to minister. They wrongly just let the 'called' person find his own way in the dimly lit path.We here present two mini-series that address these issues from both the called and the church leaders perspectives. It is time we grab better hold of our opportunities to train godly men for ministry. God does not care half as much for academics as training of personal relationships, personal character and spiritual disciplines. The best trained men are trained by their leaders right in their own church. |
The Gospel of John Series"That believing you may have life in His name!"
The Book of Acts"Even to the remotest part of the earth!"Luke finishes writing the redemptive New Testament introduction with this book that takes us from the point of Jesus' resurrection right to the preaching of the Gospel in far and remote places. Acts is not just a history book. The words and teachings are crucial to rightly understanding how the church is to move forward. Just like the book of Joshua, we are to learn from the battles of others. Included in this update are numerous articles thoroughly discussing selective passages. Updated maps of Paul's journeys are included. |
The Book of Micah"As for us, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever!"
Micah 4:5Each of us thinks those people over there are wicked and naively thinks our sector of society as holy and good. Not so God says. Micah is called of God to pull each of us into a place where we have no choice but to understand what God thinks of society. God does not only show us the dangers of the societal evils but holds us responsible for change and calls us to join God's people. |
You can be a faithful disciple of Jesus too! Learn how Christ made Himself available to do His Father's will no matter what difficulties that He faced. |
FACING THE TESTS OF LIFEJOB - The Bible Teaching Commentary![]() Rightly understand life's testings so that we
OUR MEETING WITH GOD1 JOHN - The Bible Teaching CommentaryTo cause us to deepen our relationship with our holy God and others.
A special emphasis in on the biblical theology of cell groups as well as making them fucntional, edifying and pleasing to God. |
Starting a church?Learn how the Apostle Paul himself dealt with a load of problems resulting from the new churches that developed from an evangelism tour. At least he was responsible enough to care for those he brought into life! But one does get his hands dirty.Strife. Young leadership. Distance. Opposition. Even false teachers.Paul's advice leads us into understanding the importance of the local church, leadership and how to gingerly deal with personal relationships. Interestingly, we see him not only touching on the problems but working on the infrastructure that provides long-lasting improvement. One will be especially moved by watching Paul tenderly care for Titus the missionary who has reached his limit. |
Outbursts of anger. Temper tantrums. Rage. Hateful, spiteful words. Mean actions. Cursing. Hitting. Yelling. Sound familiar?In this article we highlight the actual understanding needed to take the necessary steps to help children overcome anger. Although many of the principles are the same, special attention to the parent-child relationship needs to be paid attention to.Drugs don't solve the problems but hide them and bury our children in a world of despair. God frees people to a joy of reliance on our good Lord's power! |
Christian Premarital Counseling Manual
The Gospel of LukeThere is a lot of spin about these days. Untrue statements. We hear so many contrary reports that we do not know what is true and what is not. Certainly this is a time when we need to get our facts right, especially with regards to Jesus.Interestingly, Luke faced these same problems centuries ago. Whether people are hostile or just misinformed, the consequences of wrong reports can be quite serious. Luke aimed to set people straight while the facts still could be searched out.Join learning about Jesus Christ through over 70 articles. Many of them are nicely designed teaching handouts while another large percentage consists of insights on various passages. Through Luke's presentation about the ideal man we should all seek, he speaks to everyone spread about the globe about the Lord Christ Jesus. |
Book of EphesiansLiving in the Heavenlies– The Bible Teacher's Commentary –