Purpose | Curtain | Closer | Two Covenants | Mosaic Covenant |
Belonging | Change of Covenants | New Covenant | Fellowship | Questions
God has higher goals in sending Jesus to die for us than we normally think. This incomplete perspective greatly weakens our trust of His involvement in our lives. Learning these two major purposes, on the other hand, will certainly help you rethink your Christian lives!
God, the Lord, starts off this covenant. “Then God spoke all these words, saying, 2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3 “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:1-3). Do you see the special relationship God formed with His people? The words of this covenant reveal God’s purposed relationship.
God claims a special relationship with these people. He, Yahweh
(same as Jehovah) attaches Himself to these people. God is the Creator of all people (He identifies Himself the
same as the Creator God in 20:1), but the covenant God with only those included
under the covenant.
By revealing His honored Name He speaks of a more intimate
relationship through which they can get to know Him. By knowing His Name, one
can speak to Him. He is not just a great God beyond comprehension but One that
has initiated a relationship with them.
Part of this book, Redemption Through the Scriptures, is on the web (see below), but the completed book with all the other teaching materials including: the full study guide and available videos, audios, and powerpoints are included in the Discipleship 3rd level library along with other third level BFF publications. These resources enable you to not only grow in Christ, be like Christ but also to have Christ's plan lived out through your life! Or check out the book!
Not only does the Lord identify Himself with the God who made the heavens and earth but the one who delivered them. This is very important in regards to our concept of redemption because of the following words “out of the house of slavery.” He is stating very clearly that they now belong to Him. He is not only a God who is attached to them but they similarly belong to Him. Once slaves under Egypt but now in His hands. The whole idea of redemption is built upon this idea of ownership.
All the following commands listed state God’s expectations for them but this first one reveals the attention He wants from them. He does not want them to serve others but Himself. They are to align themselves to God and His words. Note again the way He warns them of listening to words from others that conflict His so that will refrain from disobedience like Adam and Eve.
Next ->A Call to Belonging
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988