Purpose: Great marriages need unconditional love from the husband.
In this section, Pledges and Prayers for the Husband, provided pledges and prayer help refine one's own heart commitments to bring about lasting change and enable the husband to depend upon God to unconditionally love his wife. This is last section of session #2 of Building a Great Marriage.
Below are both a pledge and prayer for the husband. They are best to read aloud in all sincerity. Read them several times if possible. As you read them, you will feel that you need to commit to these principles and make certain changes. This is evidence of an increase of faith through the Spirit of God. Copy and make your own changes to help the pledge and prayer to fully reflect your desire.
“God has made me to love you my wife, truly and unselfishly. He has designed me so that every part of me can fully devote itself to you. I want your wedding dreams of that one man who would always and only love you to come true. I am that faithful man for you.
At the very end of my earthly life, the Lord will know that I have been pure in my desire to wholly love you both before and during marriage. In faith I want to test the very foundational principles God has implanted in this universe when He made it. My mission will be to love you my wife as Christ has loved the church.
God has called me to brightly shine as the torch of His love in your life. Whether in poverty or wealth, youth or old age, in sickness or in health, I am determined to love you. Whether you, my dear, will be able to accept my love doesn't matter. I will constantly love and cherish you. I want my love for you to reflect Christ's love for His people. True love gives birth to great hopes.”
“Dear Father in Heaven, I declare a holy war against my lusts. I have chosen the sure weapon of your enduring love. I have been designed to love. Away with the infernal selfish pleasure that betrays my loyalty to my God and wife! Away with each thought that would lead me into its condemned and greedy claws! Your time is gone.
I choose to love a pure love. I choose to live with a holy focus on my wife. I want with my love to penetrate the dark doors of death and confusion. With my constant and dedicated commitment to my wife I want to strip away all the fears and doubts that have been laid on her poor soul.
God fill me with your Spirit. Cleanse my soul of sin for your calling is high and lofty. Grant that I may live fully devoted to my specially chosen woman. I have only one wife. I want only one wife. By your divine grace and example, I will give her and her alone my constant care as long as we both shall live.
And now, Lord I ask that you would protect what is so great and beautiful. Lift up what is glorious so that hope, joy and love can again touch our miserable hearts. Let me join this race to run for your glory and nothing else. Lead me, Lord, with your precious example into a constant and flowing river of giving acts and words toward my wife. May I be pure, loyal and responsible. And may the glorious love of God be revealed on earth in and through my love for my wife. By the grace and blood of Christ, God's only Son, I pray. Amen.”
1. What is the first life principle for a great marriage?
2. List three words that describe this principle. How do they differ?
3. ....
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