Construyendo un Gran Matrimonio
#7 Reemplazando la Amargura Marital por Perdón
Translated from English into Español
A Bilingual Video Marriage Series
Rev. Paul Bucknell
Sesión #7
Español Índice de Matrimonio
#7 Reemplazando La Amargura Marital Por Perdón
Learn how bitterness is the number one killer of marriages and how to eliminate it completely from your marriage without the cost of a psychiatrist!
Click on the video for Building A Great Marriage, bilingual in English & Español below, or find downloads for the Español video, Español handouts (doc) and English reading (on the web).
Video: Stream | Downloads
Audio: mp3
Spanish chapter handout: pdf
Also, check out the Spanish speaking world library resources that we've stored all the Español Christian training materials on!
Purchase the BFF Español Christian library!
Check out the BFF Español library resourcess available at our BFF Store for friends and church workers.
This two-sided Library includes all two great Spanish bilingual training seminars and more! Includes: audio, videos, handouts, powerpoints, and reading. Discounted at $15.25! Free to adapt for your own ministry.
Those living in developing countries can see if they qualify for free materials including our Español library resources. This would include the powerpoint slides. |
Next=> #8 Cultivando La Intimidad En El Matrimonio