ADT Christian Leadership Seminar:

The Making of a Godly Leader

Kapangidwe ka Mtsogoleri Wa Umulungu


Rev. Paul Bucknell - Translator Rev. Robert Kaunde

Bucknell & Kaunde

All 7 audio sessions below are in English and translated into Chichewa (Malawi)

All are free mp3



The Making of a Godly Leader

Kapangidwe ka Mtsogoleri Wa Umulungu

Introduction Kufotokozera

(English and Chichewa - Malawi)

Isaiah 52:12-53:15 The Making of a Godly Leader (4th Servant Song) ADT

#1 The Godly Leader Accepts God’s Design for His life

Mtsogoleri Wa Umulungu Amavomereza Chi konzero
cha Mulungu pa Moyo Wache
(Audio - mp3)

Isaiah 52:13-15 - Part 1 of 2
yesaya 52:13-15 - Gawo la 1 la 2

Understand the overall process God trains His people through difficult times (parabola - U). We will be able to get a great overview of our whole lives and ministries through Isaiah 52:13-15 so that we will not get locked into a sinful mindset that weighs down upon us. The vision God gives to us to live out our life for Him lifts us up and enables us to live above life’s difficulties.

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#2 A Godly Leader Endures Hardship and Finds Reward

Mtsogoleri Wa Umulungu Amapirira Zokhoma ndipo amapeza Mphotho
(Audio - mp3)

Isaiah 53:1-12 - Part 2 of 2
yesaya 53:1-12 - Gawo la 2 la 2

What we often think is necessary for an important ministry is not that important after all. We will focus on what is critical to a great ministry as we reflect on Christ's example of enduring various kinds of hardship and see that they did not hinder His ministry.

Learn to live in hope despite oppressive situations. We will begin to find the right way to understand and perceive our hardships. But even more, we will see how embracing God’s greater and more glorious purposes come to fruition from such situations. Fix your eyes on Jesus Christ and increase in your confidence in the way that the Father led Him. We all are to be fully available to do our Father’s will no matter what the cost.

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3 stages of spiritual growth

Growing in our Spiritual Lives
Kukula mmoyo wathu wa Uzimu

1 John 2:12-14

Usually these messages are divided into three but here there are only two.

God causes spiritual growth to occur in His people. 1 John 2:12-14 uses the physical growth process to describe the three stages of spiritual growth: child, youth and mature.

#3 Caring for the New Believer

Kusamalira okhulupirira a tsopano

1 John 2:12-14 - Part 1 of 2
1Yohane 2:12-14 - Gawo la 2 la 2

(Audio - mp3)

The new or young believer in Christ needs to, most importantly, need to clarify the certainty of their relationship with God through Christ and to affirm the special way they are now able to relate to God as their Heavenly Father.

#4 Caring for the Mature Believer

Kusamalira Okhulupirira Okhwima msinkhu.

Caring for the Young Believer
Kusamalira Okhulupirira Ang’ono mu Uzimu.

1 John 2:12-14 1 Yohane 2:12-14

(Audio - mp3)

John writes the same thing twice to the fathers, those who have been close to the Lord through the years. Crises will come and go. Many 'why' questions arise from watching life's difficult situations. Every answer is found by more deeply knowing the Eternal One.

Young men fight intense temptation because the evil one is trying to cripple them. The war, however, is over. They only need to become familiar with how to trust God in life's different situations. God's Word leads them to overcome every temptation through His Word.

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Finding the Peace of God Philippians 4:1-9

#5 Stepping into God's Peace

Kupeza Mtendere wa Mulungu

Philippians 4:2-9 - Afilipi 4:2-9

(Audio - mp3)

Stepping into God’s Peace, One step at a time
Kulowa mu Mtendere Wa Mulungu, Phazi limodzi pa nthawi imodzi

Let's note the seven steps to find this peace. Paul presents them in two phases.

In phase 1, “Stepping into God’s Peace,” Paul uses five necessary qualities to have the peace of God actually begin to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

In phase 2, “Abiding in the God of Peace,” specific guidelines are provided enabling us to see how to live in God’s peace by our closeness with Him.

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Book of .Job survey

#6 The Book of Job and Anxieties

The Book of Job

(Audio - mp3)

Rightly understand life's testings so that we
will faithfully serve and trust God during difficult times.

We often wonder what the future will be like. But do we even know what is happening with our present lives? The Book of Job completely turns around our perspectives of our lives. What we felt so confident about has now become something very unsettling. The Book of Job with its special heavenly scenes sends strong and clear signals to its readers. God pulls back these heavenly curtains in order to make an indelible impression upon our minds. He is telling us to look at life from heaven's perspective. It will change your life.

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Overcoming Principles

#7 Three Key Growth Principles

Ephesians 4:21-24

(Audio - mp3)

“Why does the Christian with the Holy Spirit still sin?” Perhaps people are afraid of asking the question because they fear the answer. It is critical that we address this question face on for otherwise we will never know about the secret of a victorious Christian life. Actually, we need to address a number of questions that Christians have all at once.

  • Why do I want to do good but sometimes do not?
  • What is the difference between a believer and a non-believer?
  • I try to obey God in some area and do well for a while, but then I fall. How come?



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