"How long, O LORD, will I call for help, And Thou wilt not hear?
I cry out to Thee, "Violence!"
Yet Thou dost not save.
Why dost Thou make me see iniquity,
And cause [me] to look on wickedness?
Yes, destruction and violence are before me; Strife exists and contention arises." - Prophet Habakkuk
Understanding Tragedies from a Biblical Viewpoint identifies with the pain of those who suffer but also begins to answer some tough questions: What does God say about tragedies? Why does God allow such things to happen?
This page begins to answer the question and directs us to places to find further understanding for such difficult times.
How can we understand something so tragic as the thousands that were mercilessly murdered on September 11, 2001? Can anyone measure the pain? The grief? The anger?
We are greatly grieved over the loss and express our condolences to those who have lost loved ones.
Only God alone can understand the true depth of grief that lies over this nation. Just as well for we could not endure it. There is, however, one important question that we can address. "Why?" Why does God allow such things to happen?
At times of national tragedies, we tend to react rather than respond. We look out there for the enemy and demand for revenge pours into our bloodstreams. But this will never give to us the much needed wisdom or peace that we so desperately need.
Indeed the perpetrators of this evil plot will be brought to judgment. But will our retaliation bring peace to our lives? No. A few madmen have ruined the lives of many thousands. We will not find satisfying answers in the news. We must turn to the scriptures.
"Thine eyes are too pure to approve evil, |
We have many questions? We might find ourselves disagreeing with God in some areas. Much emotional pain and distress linger about our hearts. However, we must not forget that God uses such catastrophic events to speak to us.
We will use the question-answer format. At the end, you can send your own unanswered question.
What does God think about tragedies?
What does God think about natural disasters?
Is it wrong to want judgment upon these people?
Is there a better way? Can we pray for them?
Doesn't man just disappear after death?
What happens after death?
How can I find peace in such terrible times?
What scripture passages can we read? What prayers can be said?
Why does God allow such things to happen?
How does a loving God allow such things as tragedies?
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A new basic discipleship series has a free booklet explaining how we should biblically think of natural and unnatural disasters.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988