Matthew 6:32-33
Video podcast on New Values from Matthew 6:32-33 shows how the new believer because of his trust in God as His Father can overcome his selfish nature and focus on God's purposes and properly relating to others.
Click the video podcast below to start or download here to separately view in own (larger) screen. Study questions are provided below.
"32 For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:32-33, NASB).
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Once the new believer trusts God to take care of his needs, he then can focus on God's will and ways.
Why is the world so preoccupied with their own needs that they wrongly treat others?
How does the ambition of the unbeliever differ from the believer?
These are foundational study questions for the believer to integrate into his thinking that he might live out the fullness of God's love and power in this world.
What does 'all things' refer to in Matthew 6:32?
Who does Gentiles refer to (6:32)?
How is God described in Matthew 6:32? What is the significance of this phrase?
How does the Gentiles 'seek' for 'all these things'?
What does the Heavenly Father know about us. What is the significance of this statement?
What is the two things that believers are told to seek in Matthew 6:33?
What is the significance of using the word 'first' in verse 33?
What does 'His kingdom' refer to? How does one seek for it?
What does righteousness mean? How does one seek for it?
What might be the significance of the wording 'added' unto you rather than 'given'?
Each genuine believer needs to learn to live by trust. As the new believer eagerly trusts his Heavenly Father and see his faithfulness, this newfound faith becomes the basis where he further develops this trust at the second stage of spiritual development.
In this situation, he is learning to trust God to care for his needs so that he can focus on what God wants. It is here that he searches for expressions of God's kingdom and prioritizes character traits in line with God's holy person.
If you want to read more, look below.
Further BFF reading or viewing:
These verses provide the basis of overcoming worry and anxiety.
Want to know more about meditation? Here is a detailed way one can meditate on Matthew 6:33.
Discipleship level 2 addresses in much more detail how one overcomes worry. This will not be very different than the foundational truths here but it will be in much more detail.
A Spiritually Balanced Life: Living a Spirit-filled life in a busy modern world highlights how to live out God's priorities.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted:
(C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988