![]() Bible Study Questions on Micah 4:1-5‘The Mountain of the Lord!’
1. What is missions? How does understanding missions help our own lives? 2. Christians sometimes are not willing to participate in God’s great mission project because they do not understand His will. What are the two extreme and unbiblical mindsets presented? Have you seen anyone live like that? Which does our modern culture follow? 3. What is the Biblical concept of how God’s plan and our individual choices is integrated together? How do we see this reflected in these five verses? 4. Do you think people are looking for fulfillment of their lives? Where do they look for it? Where should they look? How does knowing God’s world program make a difference? 5. Describe the prophetic jump and how God uses it to help guide and shape our lives. 6. Make a list of personal observations or questions from Micah 4:1-5. 7. What certain things does the passage say about the mountain? What are some characteristics about mountains? 8. How does John 4:21-24 help us understand that this mountain here actually refers to God’s worldwide spiritual kingdom? 9. How about Hebrews 12:18-24? Should we think of the heavenly Jerusalem as only in the future? What about Mount Zion? 10. The passage talks about the mountain raised up. List several ways God’s kingdom has been growing. Use 1) the early church, 2) major mission movements and 3) at least one present scene that depicts the growth of the Christian church. 11. Some people think that ‘the last days’ refers to the very last moments on earth before Jesus Christ returns for His people. Do you find that Micah 4:1-5 is compatible with that ‘hide and wait’ mentality (i.e. Christians are scared from growing evil and hide)? 12. Reflect on both Hebrews 1:1-2 and Acts 2:16-17. How is the phrase ‘the last days’ used in these passages? When do these biblical writers believe these last days began? What do you believe and why? 13. Note the different places the ‘nations’ is used in verse 1 and 2. This book was originally written to strong Jewish people. What might their reaction be to this prophecy? Why? 14. Why are people prejudice and fearful of communicating with people from different lands and languages? What about you? 15. Name at least two characteristics of the spiritual lives of these people from verse 2. Rate your own life in these two areas on a scale of 0-10 with 10 being the most devoted. 16. Micah 4:3-5 shows some results from God’s people who climb before God’s presence. Identify some changes that take place because of it. 17. Do you think God wants us to wait until heaven to influence our surrounding cultures or that He wants to do that now through our lives? What does Micah 4:3-5 seem to indicate? 18. Reflect on your willingness to take part in God’s worldwide mission program. What specific things do you currently do that reflects your commitment to God’s mission program? 19. Reflect on your own devotion to God. Are you one that can’t wait to get further up on that mountain or have you convinced yourself that the climb is too rigorous for one or more reasons. Do you think that your desire for the things of the world can keep you from eagerly making the climb? Has it? 20. What is one area that you would like to see improve in your surrounding culture? How might God use our lives to make a change? Take time to pray about this. Check out our other many Old Testament articles in our newer BFF website at bffbible.org! Other Micah FilesMicah Themes & Background
Biblical Foundations for Freedom