Jacob deceived Isaac by covering his hands and neck with goatskin (27) Josephs brothers deceived Jacob by slaughtering a goat and dipping Josephs robe in its blood (37)
o Isaac was deprived of Jacobs presence for 20 years because of Jacobs deception (27) Jacob was deprived of Josephs presence for 20 years because of Josephs brothers wickedness (37)
o Mosaic Law in Exodus 22: 22-23 Do not take advantage of a widow or an orphan. 23 If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. 24 My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives will become widows and your children fatherless.
o God uses talionic justice to train and discipline his chosen people by helping them see their wickedness.
o It is a painful and personal, but effective method. He uses it to bring his children to sanctification and moral purity.
- Is it fair for Joseph to be separated from his family for 20 years because of the brothers sin?
Josephs encounter with the Cupbearer and Baker (40)
Using the window of interaction with the cupbearer and the baker we can gain understanding of Josephs character and his heart. What can we learn about his approach to life?
1. Joseph cares about the people around him even though he is in an unpleasant place and does not deserve to be there.
2. Joseph acknowledges that the dreams interpretation is from God and not of himself. He is simply used as an instrument of God. He did not steal Gods glory. Joseph is careful to give the proper credit to God when interpreting the cupbearer, the baker and Pharaohs dreams.
3. He delivers the messages faithfully and honestly regardless of the popularity of his message.
4. Joseph is wise in taking advantage of the cupbearers official position to get him out of prison.
5. Joseph harbors no bitterness and resentment toward the cupbearer who forgot about him. He recognizes Gods sovereign control and perfect timing.
Joseph interprets Pharaohs dreams (41)
- 7 sleek and fat cows = 7 heads of healthy and good grain = 7 years of abundance.
- 7 ugly and gaunt cows = 7 heads of thin and scorched grain = 7 years of famine.
- Again, Joseph does not shy away from speaking the truth. He has no doubt that God is going to reveal the meaning of Pharaohs dreams to him.
- Josephs faith in God and his humble attitude help win Pharaohs trust.
Famine in Canaan (42)
Key events:
o Jacob sends sons, all except Benjamin, to Egypt to buy grain because of the severe famine. (42)
o Joseph recognizes the 10 brothers right away but the brothers do not recognize him.
o Joseph speaks harshly to the brothers and accuses them of being spies.
o The brothers realize their past sin against Joseph as the cause of their present trouble.
o The table has been turned The 10 brothers are now in a position of weakness (42:21-22)
o Joseph sees their repentance and weeps.
o The brothers bags are filled with grain and the silver they brought. They are sent on their way back to Canaan.
o The brothers are terrified when they saw their silver in their bags. Jacob realizes there is trouble ahead.
o Jacob sends all his remaining sons, including Benjamin, to Egypt for a second trip to buy more grain after Judah guarantees Benjamins safe return.
o Judah emerges as the leader of the 10 brothers
o Joseph instructs his steward to care for the brothers and prepare them for lunch.
o Joseph goes away to weep at the sight of his brother Benjamin. This shows the tender heart of Joseph.
o The brothers are astonished by the seating order. Benjamin is served five times the portion of the other brothers.
o The brothers are sent back with grain and the silver they brought, along with Josephs silver cup in Benjamins sack. (44)
o The departing brothers are stopped, searched and then returned to Egypt.
o The brothers said: What is this that God has done to us? A similar response was heard earlier when being questioned by Joseph and they remembered their past faults. Do we only think about God and our transgressions when we encounter difficulties in life and need help from Him?
o Judah pleads with Joseph on the basis of Jacobs concern to keep him rather than Benjamin as the slave.
o Joseph makes himself known to his brothers (45)
o "I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt! 5 And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you. 7 But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance."
o Joseph sends the brothers back to Canaan to pick up Jacob and the rest of the family.
o Pharaoh gives Jacobs family the best of the land.
Joseph had many opportunities to harm his brothers and take revenge for what they did. Genesis 50:19-21 tells us:
o But Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid, for am I in God's place?
o "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
o "So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones." So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.