Appreciating God's Discipline
Genesis 25-35
1.) Observe the way sins were passed down to and from Jacob's life.
2.) See and understand the consequences that always follow sin.
3.) Make decisions to uncover our own sins and repent from them.
4.) Search for other infected areas in our lives.
5.) Better appreciate God's grace in working with Jacob who later became Israel.
A) The Influence of Sin
Overview of Chapter Contents
Genesis 25-35
Genesis 25
Birth; Esau trades birthright
Genesis 27
Jacob steals blessing
Genesis 28
Jacob is sent away; the promise of God
Genesis 29
Love at first sight;Jacob is tricked
Genesis 30
Jacob's wives compete; Laban cheats Jacob
Genesis 31
Jacob escapes Laban; God blesses Jacob
Genesis 32
Jacob fears Esau; Humbled by God
Genesis 33
Jacob restored to Esau at great cost
Genesis 34
Jacob's daughter raped; vengeance
Genesis 35
Jacob's new name is Israel
There are two major unbiblical views of the origin of behavior. The one blames the shaping of the environment; the other on the passing on of genes. It is sufficient for us to know that the world naturally comes up with 'blame' systems. They develop a thought that excuses man of his own sin. The Bible agrees to the importance of both of these shaping influences but at the same time hold man accountable for what he does. The scriptures go beyond this categories and include the
spiritual aspect.
Man has insisted on excluding God's participation in the shaping of mankind. The reason is obvious. If God is involved, then man is responsible for what he does. The scriptures give us an astonishingly clear perspective of how God works in the live of each person. If we are not careful though, we will miss the hand and voice of our Creator.
Numerous scriptural observations of Jacob with his parents, brother Esau and his children allow us to see the effect of sin in a life, family and society. When skimming over these chapters, one can hardly but draw the conclusion that God is showing us these weaknesses on purpose!
As noted on the chart to the right, when the subjects of each chapter is written down, we can get a better grasp of what is being taught. We notice from these titles that God stresses His interference in Jacob's life to help him see the horribleness of his scheming.

This is just a sample of the great amount of materials found in the book: Genesis: The Book of Foundations. Only some of our Genesis materials have been put on the web.
Or better yet, for a little bit more get the Old Testament Library which has this book along with powerpoints, videos and hundreds of other articles, all presented with understanding and applying God's Word to our lives. Great deal!
When God gets His holy hand on a man's life, God is determined to bring him through 'purging' incidents so that he will no longer tolerate sin's presence in his life. Of course, we must look beyond the actual discipline to its end result. God is making us holy like Himself so that we can enjoy fellowship with Him and that He can more mightily exert His power through our lives (1 Peter 1:16).
Because it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."
God keeps confronting and challenging Jacob through his life. By carefully looking at Jacob's life and seeing the effect of sin and God's grace upon his life, we too will be better able to discern and appreciate how God gets involved in our own lives as His children.
We tend to be more familiar with societal degeneration than societal reformation.
Having a family is the means by which we reproduce ourselves. We are not just multiplying our our presence, but also our passions and beliefs.