Genesis 12-16,20 Abraham's Life Detours The Bible Teaching Commentary
Many of Abram's problems developed because he brought Lot along. Genesis 12:1 told Abraham to, Go ... from your relatives. But what do we find in Genesis 13:1,
Chapters 13 and 14 record two big hassles Abraham could have avoided had he obeyed the LORD. We should assume that there were many more not recorded. #1) Abram and Lot's Workmen. (Genesis 13)
In the end, they just couldn't get along with each other. Lot and his men were attracted to the glamorous cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (13:10), and his family suffered forever because of it. Abraham settled in Canaan. God has a way to bring his people back to His original purpose. May we never get off on these detours! #2) Abram's Rescue of Lot (Genesis 14)The second problem of having Lot nearby led to being involved in a risky fight. Once Lot was nearby, Abram was responsible for his safety and well-being. The evil one often uses this method to distract God's people from their main work. Abram would not have had any of these concerns had he just left Lot back in Haran. Abram risked everything against great advantages to help rescue Lot. Sure Abraham showed his courage and concern. And God had helped them out so to defeat this coalition army. It was not Abram's cleverness, but God's grace that got him out of trouble. Application: God clearly does not want us to associate with certain people. He doesn't want us to date or court non-Christians. He is not pleased when we marry people our parents do not approve of. He doesn't want us to hang around those given to anger. He doesn't want us to listen to gossiper and backbiters.
ReflectionsAbram was considered nice by bringing Lot along, but it got him into lots of trouble. Are you associating with people that you shouldn't?
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