Two millenniums have passed since creation when we see Abraham. There seems to be no stop to the increase of sin. Despite the use of language to divide the peoples into different isolated cultures, the cities were still expanding. Ur and the other Sumerian cultures are known for their advancements from archeaological digs. The pull of the world for Abraham, his family and others was getting stronger and stronger.
One would think that God would give up on helping out man, but instead like He promised in Genesis 3:15, God was tracking down a man who had faith through which He could do wonderful and great things. Abram was that man. God would later change his name to Abraham'Father of Nations.'
Our goal for this session is to give a picture of the kind of man God can and wants to use. Fortunately for us, the scriptures not only reveal his strengths but also enough of his weaknesses to better understand the willingness of God to work in frail vessels like us. Instead of being discouraged, we are staring at a challenge to open ourselves to the work God wants to do in and through our lives.
This 'in and through' pattern is something we need to focus on for a moment. The in represents the grace God inputs into a persons life. Without this grace or blessing, Abram and we would be nothing. This 'in' is the 'streams of water that Psalm 1 mentions. God gives so that we might be able to give.
That which we give is the 'through' mentioned above. God works through us so that He can work in others. This is the enabling or the empowering pattern that we see scattered so carefully throughout the scriptures. God set Adam up so that he could bring great blessing and truth to all through his rule. God both called Abraham and gave him needed blessings. God did the same things with Jesus (through Holy Spirit's anointing) and desires to do it again through His church.
Our study of Abraham's life, then, is an exploration of how God might want to work 'in and through' our own lives.