Genesis: Reliability of Text , Outlines and GenealogiesPaul Bucknell
Babylonia |
Genesis 1-11 |
Preservation of the Godly Line |
Palestine |
Genesis 12-36 |
Provision of God's Promise |
Egypt |
Genesis 37-50 |
Protection of God's People |
After the prologue where we find the true beginning of all things, we discover ten genealogies, each introduced by the same Hebrew word meaning generation, account or record (Hebrew - Toledot).#1
1:1-2:3 |
Prologue |
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1). |
2:4-4:26 |
The generations of Heaven and Earth |
This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven. (Genesis 2:4). |
5:1-6:8 |
The generations of Adam |
This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. (Genesis 5:1). |
6:9-9:29 |
The generations of Noah |
These are the records of the generations of Noah... (Genesis 6:9). |
10:1-11:19 |
The generations of the sons of Noah |
Now these are the records of the generations of Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah; and sons were born to them after the flood. (Genesis 10:1). |
11:10-26 |
The generations of Shem |
These are the records of the generations of Shem....(Genesis 11:10). |
11:27-25:11 |
The generations of Terah |
Now these are the records of the generations of Terah. .... (Genesis 11:27). |
25:12-18 |
The generations of Ishmael |
Now these are the records of the generations of Ishmael, Abraham’s son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah’s maid, bore to Abraham; (Genesis 25:12). |
25:19-35:29 |
The generations of Isaac |
Now these are the records of the generations of Isaac, Abraham’s son: ... (Genesis 25:19). |
36:1-37:1 |
The generations of Esau |
Now these are the records of the generations of Esau (that is, Edom). (Genesis 36:1). |
37:2-50:26 |
The generations of Jacob |
These are the records of the generations of Jacob. Joseph, ... (Genesis 37:2). |
We are perhaps most surprised at including both Ishmael and Esau. They were sons of promised men, but were first born. They were not second born. From Ishmael the blessing went to Isaac. From Esau, the blessing went to Jacob. This pattern is repeated numerous times throughout Genesis. Why include both Ishmael and Esau then? We find that each of them had God's blessing, even though of a lesser kind. They would grow into different countries and people that Israel (Jacob) would later meet up with.
There is also a theological reason for including Esau and Ishmael We are to remember and see the difference between the world's way (natural - first born) and God's way (spiritual -born again - second born).
These series of genealogies most importantly show how God's promise and line of godly seed is passed down. More will be discussed later on when we examine an number of the unifying themes throughout Genesis. As we read different books of the Bible, we find the importance that these genealogies had. Most clear is the way both Luke and Matthew use the genealogical accounts to trace Jesus' descendants.
Matthew traces Jesus Christ's genealogy back to Abraham. Luke, however, goes right back to ... the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God!
"The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." (Matthew 1:1).
"...the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God." (Luke 3:38).
The book of Genesis ties together all the unseen ends of a very complex set of family descendants. Jesus was the family of Abraham and so the fulfillment could be fulfilled in Christ.
"And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Genesis 12:2,3).
In Luke's Gospel, though, we see Christ as a descendant of Adam and God where the lordship originated. As true man, Christ could obtain the original blessing of rulership or kingship from God. This was Christ's legal right and authority.
The genius behind Genesis goes far beyond slapping a bunch of genealogies together. Moses strategically connected these genealogies under the supervision of the Holy Spirit. They are redemptively laid out by tracing God's line of redemption. There is a godly line and an evil line.
Genesis is a critical book for the human race to understand. This ancient book has a wonderful organization not very unlike that which we find in the universe God has made. The genealogical divisions not only enable us to better grasp the unity of the book but interweave the rest of the scriptures into itself that we might know that the God who made the universe is the same who sent His Son into the world to die for His people.
Let's go on and see how the unity and historicity of Genesis by looking at two of its complete chronological charts. -> GO
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(1) The phrase (... of the generations of ...) called colophons mark the different sections in Genesis. The majority of commentators take it ( toledot ) to act as an introductory formula. A minority see the phrase as summarizing the previous content. We assume with most that it introduces each section and the prologue serves as the support for all that follows.