Only the Great LORD is able to make the lost saved, the corrupted purified and the forsaken precious. God steps into ancient world events to restore His temple worship. If the first testimony of rebuilding the great temple is insufficient proof of God's power, then the second testimony of changing his people's hearts becomes the sure confirmation of God's glorious work.
The Book of Ezra starts where of 2 Chronicles finishes by completing the unfinished story of the exile. Seventy years had passed, and God fulfilled His promise by bringing the exiles back to the land. |
We should note that the later period never officially could be called a kingdom but only a 'people.' There were at least three waves of return exiles. Zerubbabel, Ezra and Nehemiah all led groups back. Ezra and Nehemiah worked together for a period. Book of Ezra focuses on rebuilding of temple and then followed Nehemiah with the rebuilding of Jerusalem's wall.
Scriptures typically quoted from the New American Standard Bible unless noted: (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1988