The promised leader had come. Despite the disobedience of God’s people, God still used them.
Places: God leads His people
A place where God the nation of Israel great. 70 people grew to 2,000,000 in 215 years. 625,550 male Jews left for Exodus (Num 1:46; 3:39)
A place where the Lord put up with them in the wilderness for 40 years.
A place where He distributed their land as an inheritance.
Offices: God leads His people
The people asked for a king. But God rejected Saul, the disobedient king, and gave them a good one, David. And yet there was to be one promised descendant that would sit on the throne forever.

Many people are afraid of sharing the Gospel. But in fact, we can be like Peter and just tell what happened to Jesus and what happened to us as a result of believing these things about Jesus.
Resurrection from the dead (30-31)
Jesus personally rose from the dead. Paul and others witnessed this.
Promise made to the fathers (33-37)
From the offspring of David would come the Messiah. It was to be an actual descendent of David of which Jesus was.
Offer & warning of Gospel (38-41)
Paul warned his hearers. It is interesting that this warning is often not given in today’s gospel message. If it is, it is often softened down to be that one will not experience the love of God. Perhaps we need to add a real warning of great danger and peril.