Why is the church in some places so weak and even dead? The Apostle Paul warned us ever so clearly in Acts 20 that there would be deliberate attempts to infiltrate the Christian church and destroy her. Although we should be concerned with the organized error in cult form outside the church, Paul also warned us to be most wary about error spreading about from inside the church. I am convinced that the errors that have crept into the church are more serious than the organized cults out there! |
An Overview of Material1) Detectmg Error without and within the Christian community
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etectmg Error without and within the Christian community
The Biblical perspective of detecting error is introduced from Acts 20 and afterwards further broadened by three biblical means of detecting and discerning error: Jesus, Paul and John. Only after this do we describe and define a cult.
Some of us have fighting blood in us. We just love spending hours talking about the truth. Talking to cult members comes natural. This is not true for most of us, however. Below is a series of web pages on evangelizing the cults. Special focus is given on Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons.
Sharing the Gospel with Jehovah Witnesses
This page came as a result of two Jehovah Witnesses who came to our door asking for me. They heard from my wife that her husband was a pastor! Listen in to this conversation in which the argument of deity of Christ was presented. Many details and reflections of this conversation are added to help one understand what we should and shouldn't say and the reason why.
Dangers of Mormon Cult Teachings (Later Day Saints)
What a novel! Unless you have spent time studying the Mormons, this detailed study of their beliefs with sources will astound you. My summary: Mormonism resembles something more from the Eastern religions than Christianity.
Evangelizing the Cults: Gaining a Perspective
Sharing the Gospel is difficult for many, but sharing the Gospel with the cults seems impossible! We first share the biblical basis for sharing our faith with others and then address the basic hindrances we face when sharing the gospel with cult members. Special advice and hints are given.
Evangelizing the Cults: Getting on Target
In order to attack the enemy, one must first understand them! Cults' defense mechanisms and legalistic tendencies are outlined and explained. A good but introductory introduction is given to help Christians understand the cults. A glorious picture of Christ's kingdom is given last to help us detect the errors around us.
False teaching like leeches slowly suck the life blood from God's church. The church seems no longer willing to test the very teachings that thrive within the members of God's body.
Guarding Our Hearts from Error within
Many false teachings have leaked into the church and have created havoc. Two which are here discussed are hedonism and relativism.