Biblical Foundations for Freedom:

Pray BFF Letter #259

May 19, 2015
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"I Sing for Joy"

“For You have been my help,
And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.” (Psalm 63:7)

Paul and Linda with Coordinator and wifeDear Prayer Partners,

Linda and I just returned from a very profitable trip to East Asia. Each day God gave us endurance, strength, wisdom and fluency. We are amazed at His blessing through your prayers. This is the reason for the quote above “in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.” (Click pictures to enlarge.)

Including Linda’s talk to the Burmese pastor’s wives, we spoke 22 times, about half of them in Chinese. Although a bit rusty, the language returned to life. Our outgoing luggage was extremely heavy, 50 pounds in each of four luggage pieces. Praise God my back did not give out. We brought about 130 books, mostly the Chinese parenting book.

BFF is all about releasing the power of God’s Word to His people. They have His Word but somehow the power of its truth does not reach certain parts of their lives. Let me briefly share how this worked out in both Taiwan and Myanmar.


Our main reason for going to Taichung,Taiwan was to hold a parenting seminar, Raising Godly Children. From our time in Taiwan in the 1980’s to now, the culture has radically changed. Largely through the false belief that western secular educational philosophy gave rise to America’s advanced educational system, Taiwan has adopted certain practices that have created havoc, not only to their traditional culture, but to their whole society. One would not think this possible with the many beautiful buildings, but teachers, pastors and many parents affirmed the loss of respect by the children. Why?

America’s educational system is dead but being replicated wherever its poisoned philosophy goes. The problem goes back to removing discipline from schools and homes. Discipline infers truth, authority and brings the needed respect. The more common secular philosophy, however, denigrates any society. A Christian journalist asked me to summarize the seminar’s main point, I replied, “We can train up godly children!” ‘Releasing the truth’ enables parents to gain an understanding of how God treats us as His children so that we can confidently train our own children.(Our children are still sinners and need God’s redemption.)Mother's Day in Taiwan!

An extra Taiwan note

We were so encouraged to see the new pastor and his wife’s faithful care for the Nanjing Church, which started in our living room almost 30 years ago! It now has 2 services totaling about 100 people.

Myanmar (Burma)

“We have never had teaching (on marriage) before!” I heard this several times. Actually, I have heard this numerous times in many countries when teaching on marriage. Most people think of the cultural aspects of marriage but do not realize their beliefs greatly influence how their marriage is lived out. God’s Word says much on marriage. Paul and Linda with Myanmar pastors and wives

The more couples embrace God’s truths, the better their marriage is. When God’s people (or anyone) does not apply the truths of God’s Word, then the marriage flounders. People do not know how God’s Word applies to their marriage. How special to see hardened faces brighten up even after the first day!

Their questions reveal some mistaken concepts, some rather serious, of marriage. This causes great tension between husband and wife (even pastor and wife). This seminar helps them learn to nurture their relationship, and understand God’s design for marriage. Building a Great Marriage, was translated into Burmese!God’s Word makes a wonderful difference in their marriage and ministry.

Just think how wonderful when all the angst from our squabbles are turned into enriching conversations with each other. It is marvelous.The world’s ways, in contrast, produce horrible situations (yes, some Christians adopt the world’s ways without even knowing it!). We praise God that our marriage book, Building a Great Marriage, was translated into Burmese!




  • Thank the Lord for how smoothly the Asian trip went.

  • The Burmese translation of our marriage book was completed and the attendees were able to get their book at the seminar for which they were extremely thankful.

  • Things went well at home (4 children at home). A clean house (and cleaned out refrigerator) awaited us.

  • Kathryn decided on Judson University to study interior design, just outside Chicago.

  • Strength for a very busy schedule upon coming home due to mission’s conference and the death of our beloved elder from the mother church, Dr. Ott.

  • Thank the Lord for providing financially for this trip to East Asia. Thanks again for your support!

Join Paul on Twitter! @PaulJBucknell


  • Speaking this Sunday (May 24) in Chinese at our church to introduce BFF as part of our mission conference.

  • Continued enrichment and application for those who attended the two seminars in Taiwan and Myanmar.

  • The Burmese group picture was taken in their bamboo church, but heavy rains now threaten to flood it. Pray for plans to strengthen it.

  • Paul has lots of videos to edit.

  • Pray for Pastor Stephen’s(India) evangelism outreach team going to the area that had severe persecution in recent years - May 23-25.

  • We are searching more seriously for a publisher in East Asia.

As always, thanks so much for your prayers!



Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor

Biblical Foundations for Freedom


Phone/text: (+1) 412-398-4559 (Mobile)
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA

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