Pray BFF Letter #247
Saturday, August 2, 2014
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Run With Endurance!

Dear Prayer Partners,
“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb 12:1).
Summer Report
Linda had a checkup in early July. We praise God for the good news that her heart is back to 70% functioning, compared to only 30% in hospital. Thanks so much for your prayers! The doctors guess that her congestive heart failure was caused by an unknown virus. These past few days she has had extra energy.
Our new grandson, Micah arrived safely even though he was about 3 weeks early. We left our New Hampshire vacation a couple days early. Thanks to the help of the siblings, we still managed to get some good rest–advantages to having a big family. Paul even got to climb half a mile high with Isaac and Rebekah–not bad with Walmart sneakers.
Summer News
Many hidden improvements on the website have been made over the past month. With thousands of web pages, making improvements takes a lot of focused time.
Paul is progressing well in writing his book on the Bible’s perspective of success. The book is mostly written, and now needs a thorough editing.
Guess what fell out of the oven? Another book! That’s right. Well it didn’t actually fall out of the oven, but it has been baking a long time and now the rough draft is finished! Bible Studies for the Book of Ephesians including 30 studies was completed this week. (The Ephesians Living Commentary is still in the oven baking away!)
I am always looking for editors. If you or a friend have a critical eye and notice mistakes, perhaps you want to help me review this Ephesians Bible study book. If so, contact me. You get a free ebook when fully edited!
Fall Plans
Two significant items here:
First, a STM (Short Term Missions) trip to the Philippines is in the planning for early October. Final details are being worked out. This is the land of islands, necessitating many flights. Some places, for example, do not have connecting flights to other islands, so one must first return to Manilla and then take another flight to the other island.
Do pray that God will prepare the hearts of His workers there. Even now one set of handouts is being translated (50% done).
Other significant news is that we have volunteers to create an app or two for BFF. Mobile phones are more prevalent overseas than they are here. Do you know, many Africans use their phones to pay bills? It has become integrated in their daily lives.
This app project is an answer to prayer. We are looking for as many avenues as possible to distribute BFF Biblical training materials. I would love to do it myself, but I figured it would take me too much time. This way, I get to write while those, more ably equipped, program a better app!
Lots of Praises!
Praise the Lord that Linda’s heart has greatly improved so that she can now live a normal life.
Excited that the Bengali seminar, Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church, has been published on the web along with a xml feed (for podcasts).
Thankful for a couple inviting us to be their guests at their bed & breakfast for a few days. A beautiful place! Very refreshing. Also thankful that though the NH trip was shortened a bit; we still feel energized.
Lots of writing has been done in this last month!
Allison’s roommate found a place to live in NYC, at least until Feb. Do continue to pray for full provision for her financial needs for grad school. She did get a couple of part-time summer jobs.
Join Paul on Twitter! @PaulJBucknell
Pray for greater blessing to our many readers. We averaged about 250,000 web pages read each of the last two months. Many of them are going through very difficult times.
Continued blessing on Paul’s writing.
God’s full guidance on the details for the Philippine trip in October, perhaps with a visit to Taiwan.
Blessings and wisdom on the volunteers preparing a BFF mobile app.
And pray, as you probably are, for our quickly decaying world. A new party of Hindu radicals now are in control of India and are giving extra boldness for some to persecute Christians.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone/Text: (+1) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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BFF is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization and able to offer receipts for contributions in the United States. Address your financial support to Biblical Foundations for Freedom (or BFF). All designated funds go to the general fund, but specified gifts are allowed: STM (overseas training), Love (helping overseas pastors/ Christian leaders and families in need). Thank you for your kind giving!