Pray BFF Letter #246
Saturday, June 21, 2014
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"Praise the LORD!"

Dear Prayer Partners,
“Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart” (Eph 1:19).
The calm after the storm
This spring was extremely busy. I taught two series and was also on the preaching roster. When that finished, off I went to Peru for about 2 weeks. Upon my return, Linda was in the hospital. Then I had one more parenting seminar, mostly in Chinese, in Iowa. God was gracious. Thank you for praying! Everything went well.
This summer has slowed to a much more relaxed pace, providing time to catch up. This week, for example, I have been able to catch up on editing and posting the Luo language(Kenya) marriage seminar from five years ago.
With faster computers, space online, room on my hard drive, better programs, cheaper, bigger back-up hard drives and a little spare time, I have been able to process and upload this series of about 20 web pages with 9 videos/audios in just one week–along with other duties. The week was busy, but I was able to catch up on some past work. By God’s grace, I will catch up more in this coming week. (The great stones are from the Bondo area in northern Kenya where I spoke.)
Finishing the Luo marriage series was not in my plans for the week, but writing for the new book has been. The time has arrived! Early each morning I have been able to finish a brief chapter for a new book on success. This gives me time to continue with other projects. It has been wonderful. God floods my mind with insights, and I am always learning so much, chapter by chapter.
What are the marks of true success?
Can we all be successful? How?
Although writing can be tedious, I am so thankful for this low ebb of activities to free me up to write. The Christian world needs a biblical perspective of success not only to avoid being trapped into the world’s ways but to pursue God with a whole heart. So many believers think they are being left behind away from God’s best.
A peek into a surprise
Our web readership has doubled in the last 3-4 weeks. The Lord reminded me of the block on our web server that had kept hackers from bothering us. After releasing it, our web pages surged up more than twice what they had been for a couple of years. This incident has proven that we need to take advantage of the web when we have it, as it might not be so free or open as it is now. Meanwhile, BFF continues to seek to distribute resources around the world, some through the web but through other means too.
In the meantime, we are seeking to get a professional upgrade for the BFF website. I have been so busy that I have not been able to keep up with the many changes, especially social media and mobile apps (though I would like to). Pray that God would lead and provide. Any help in this area, not only releases my time for producing other resources, but makes the training materials more attractive and available.
Lots of Praises!
Praise the Lord that the Iowa trip went well. It is amazing to see my
Chinese get back into action! I really sensed your prayers.
Praise the Lord all the Spanish resources (4 seminars in all) are now online available to the Spanish speaking world!
We praise the Lord for protecting Allison on her return from Tennessee. I took the car in for inspection the next day and was told that no one should be driving that car. Too much to fix for an old car.
Thank the Lord for doubling BFF’s web effectiveness through releasing the web block.
The Chinese translator has recently been discussing his work with me.
The Lord has helped Paul with lots of creativity for writing. Praise God!
The brakes on the van are working fine now! (The engine light came on today, though. Seems minor.)
Join Paul on Twitter! @PaulJBucknell
Linda still gets tired at irregular times, probably due to the medication.
Pray for full healing of her heart. Her next checkup is July 3rd.
Pray for God’s blessing on Paul’s writing.
Pray for Allison to find a safe place to live in NYC at a reasonable price along with her 3 roommates.
Seek God’s greater blessings on those using the BFF multi-media resources.
Guidance and provision to upgrade BFF’s website and perhaps a mobile app.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+1) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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