Pray BFF Letter #239
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
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“The fields are white…”

Dear Prayer Partners,
“…Look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.” (John 4:35)
Every once in a while the Lord gives a little glimpse of what He is doing. One Myanmar brother, the leader of a discipleship school, sent a map of where their graduates are now located. Many are starting house churches in unreached areas. (See right: the names are blurred out)
He also wrote, “…We are using your training manual for MTS class.” He asked me to come again to teach. I am not sure I can, but at least they have the recordings to remember what was originally taught.
Busy Sundays
The Sunday Training class has passed the half-way mark. Attendance is good; people are being challenged and helped. The discussion group times are never long enough.
This coming Sunday afternoon Linda and I begin a parenting class. For the next 8 weeks we will meet on Sunday afternoons; the class will wind up just before Paul and Kathryn head to Peru (mid-April). More on Peru in the next letter.
Many have asked about Pastor Alberto. He is now home, but still needs to find a place to continue rehabilitation. Though stronger, my prayer is that he will be able to regain sufficient ability to preach on the family and discipleship - largely in Spanish churches.
Our family (not all our children) could have a safe and good reunion in Florida. We saw my mother, sister and in Georgia, Benjamin. He is now engaged! We had beautiful weather to walk with him and his finance, Christina, at Callaway Gardens.
Thank the Lord for using the BFF Christian training resources in Myanmar (Burma) and elsewhere.
Praise the Lord! Several new people are making donations via Pay Bills (see bottom) from their bank accounts. Our projected budget is about 15% higher this year.
Join Paul on Twitter! @PaulJBucknell
I will take Kathryn (my 17 year-old daughter) with me to southern Peru around Easter. Four seminars are planned. Pray that Kathryn’s passport will come in good time, and that we get arrangements made for the last seminar (in Lima?) so we can purchase tickets. I am working hard on the handouts and power points to be sent for translation. Pray for support as well as for Kathryn’s travel fare.
Support for STM (short term ministry): Donate to BFF –note STM (tax deductible). For Kathryn (make it out to her or me with a note (not tax-deductible.)
Reaching Beyond Mediocrity has been a great class, providing a good time working with the other teachers. I speak about every other week. Last week, I had the opportunity to teach ½ the class with another teacher.
Pastor Jagannath is coming to meet some individuals in central Pennsylvania. I hope to meet him in late March (let me know if you want to arrange meetings. He has so many stories of God’s work among the Bengalis, the largest unreached people group in India).
Our church has lots of new babies. Time for a parenting class! Pray for the parents that they will actually be able to get out for the class regularly. We will be meeting at 4:30 Sunday afternoons.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+1) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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Note: Give donations via your bank by going to “Pay Bills” on your online account. Just type in BFF and our address and a check will be sent for the amount you desire. No extra fees deducted, not even a stamp needed!
BFF is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization and able to offer receipts to contributions in the United States. Address your financial support to Biblical Foundations for Freedom (or BFF). All designated funds go to the general fund, but specified gifts are allowed: STM (overseas training), Love (helping overseas pastors/ Christian leaders and families in need). Thank you for your kind giving!