Pray BFF Letter #229
Thursday, August 22, 2013
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“Faith like a mustard seed...”
"The Lord said, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea; and it would obey you." (Luke 17:6)

"The Lord said, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea; and it would obey you." (Luke 17:6)
Dear Prayer Partners,
Yesterday morning, I had a good Skype chat with my pastor friend in West Bengal, India. Yes, we were disconnected four times, but we could reconnect and continue our conversation. We were not only updating our family and work situations but also working out details for my next international training trip. The Lord answered your prayers–He is leading me to go on a short term ministry this fall to India and Nepal! It seems that Lord just wanted me to focus on my Dad’s affairs and then, once it was complete, regular activities could continue.
As I was working through the flights, I remembered why I don’t like to travel! The flight to Delhi, India gets in at 1:30 a.m., and then I need to take another flight later that morning across India. Normalcy disappears. Pastor J. shared an encouraging story from a previous seminar, completely unknown to him until recently.
The islands
To the south of Calcutta (now Kolkata) lies the Bay of Bengal with hundreds of islands, about half of them inhabited, though largely unreached by the Gospel. Pastor J invited three men living on one of these islands to a BFF seminar a few years ago. Due to living far off on an island, Pastor J had no contact with them. God was mightily working in their lives, however. The formerly unreached island inhabitants are hearing God’s Word! Pastor J has recently been visiting them and following up the work.
A nice ‘coincidence’
Part of our Seed Project is to distribute BFF resources to those working in developing nations. A doctor from a famous Indian medical college spoke at our church recently. I had the opportunity to introduce BFF Christian training materials to him.
During our conversation, he mentioned that he was particularly interested in the Bengali training materials. I was curious, because he works in southern India while the Bengalis live in the far distant north. Dr. R. explained that the Bengalis, because of the good reputation of the hospital and fees based on what they could pay, many Bengalis go to his hospital by train, hear the gospel and some follow Christ.
He was interested both in our Bengali materials, which was on the thumb (flash) drive I gave him, but also in connecting to the pastor of the budding Bengali ministry (where I will be visiting). How exciting to see God work in the largest and least evangelized people group of 200 million (6th largest in the world!).
God has opened the STM door to India and Nepal.
Almost finished with the digital version of our new book.
Praise the Lord for good connections as mentioned above!
While taking Allison back for her senior year and to her first apartment in Tennessee, Linda and I stopped in Louisville, KY to celebrate our 35th anniversary (belatedly).
God seemed to provide a good youth retreat.
Allison has received promise of some extra financial help for her college expenses.
With three seminars In India and Nepal, we will need to raise a substantial amount of money for this mission trip. Pray that the funding and many details come together.
That I will finish the work to publish our new book: Redemption Through the Scriptures.
We agreed to teach an English parenting class this fall at our church.
I will be teaching the first two classes of the new adult Sunday Training class, “Discovering God through the Psalms” starting Sept 1.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
BFF is an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit religious organization and able to offer receipts to contributions in the United States. Address your financial support to Biblical Foundations for Freedom (BFF, directly to us). All designated funds go to the general fund, but specified gifts are allowed: STM (overseas training), Love (helping overseas pastors/ Christian leaders and families in need). Thank you for your kind giving!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+001) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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