Pray BFF Letter #222
Friday, March 29, 2013
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“How will he take care of the church of God?” (1 Timothy

“How will he take care of the church of God?” (1 Timothy
Dear Prayer Partners,
International Ministry Update
Praise the Lord for answering some urgent prayer requests.
• My Dad: He had hip surgery from his fall and is now in a good rehabilitation center. He is being well-cared for. Thanks for all your prayers. We greatly appreciate someone there to help. Things have gone extremely well. He is up with a walker making his way to the therapy room. We need prayers discerning what happens after rehabilitation since it doesn’t look like he can or should go home by himself.
• When I heard the Cuba trip not working out, I immediately checked whether the Peru ministry could manage coordinating a third seminar. This made them happy because this was their original proposal. They really wanted to hold two marriage seminars because of the general lack of knowledge of and commitment to a biblical concept of marriage.
Properly envisioning and equipping Christian leaders stands as one of the greatest challenges during these end times. There are many Christian leaders, but without proper training, they become ineffective. And certainly, even if they attend seminaries and Bible schools, this is not training their hearts and giving them the needed skills. This includes the area of marriage!
Several brothers very familiar with the needs in Peru have told me that the Biblical concept of marriage is not rooted in their culture. Even though the Roman Catholic church has been here for many centuries, the old Inca culture takes priority.
Without good marriages, Christians leaders cannot properly care for God’s people. Some denominations mindlessly argue this even in America, but the fact is bad marriages prove the individuals concerned neither have the heart to learn and nor applied the needed skills. As Paul says, “But if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?” (1 Timothy 3:5).
When you think of this Peru ministry, pray for a revived faith in God’s institution of marriage and God’s empowerment for their lives. Also think of my country (USA) which is recklessly abandoning moral principles in further signs of judgment.
STM support
We are so thankful for your prayer support. Our budget is finally
set. This is one of the rare times we have about 30% of support in early!
Praise God. Do pray for the remaining $3,500.
Praise that Allison’s second payment came in on time. She loves her study.
Dad is being well cared for!
Been personally learning so much through this Redemption series.
Our spring STM plans were settled and tickets secured! Leaving May 8th!
Finished the Telugu materials for now. This includes two Telugu books: The Godly Man and Overcoming Anxiety.
Now have 11 BFF magazines on Flipboard 2.0 app! (On Apple mobile devices. (earch Bucknell; choose Discipler55. Android coming soon.)
Pray for translators as they are preparing the Spanish handouts (20 four page handouts).
After Easter, I will be very busy teaching, finishing up the Redemption series, and preaching.
Please pray for the full funding ($3,500 needed) for the STM trip to Peru.
Allison seeks funding for her last payment for this college semester.
Our oldest daughter will be married on May 4th. Pray for God’s watch over all.
Wisdom to rightfully care for my Dad.
Pray for Pastor Godstime who almost died from some huge complication. Back home. Pray for recovery.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
If you want a tax deductible receipt when making financial contributions, please send the check to our address but write the check to PCCO with BFF in the memo (General, STM, Love). We are so thankful for your kind giving!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+001) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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