Pray BFF Letter #223
Thursday, April 18, 2013
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“If we endure....”
““If we endure, we will also reign with Him”” (2 Timothy

““If we endure, we will also reign with Him”” (2 Timothy
Dear Prayer Partners,
Our church is preaching through 2 Timothy. With the many struggles facing us and our world, it is proving to be very timely. The verse above is one which I will preach from this coming Sunday. I cannot help but think of the many rigorous trials my brothers in other countries are now facing.
• I begin this letter with thanks for protecting two of my sons and me from having a grand highway crash. The left two wheels were cut up by the road barrier, but by God’s grace, the car was not even scratched, though the tires instantly went flat. Praise God for deliverance.

• Rev. Godstime from Nigeria almost died twice, was hospitalized in 4 different places, and the doctors still do not know what was wrong. He is, by God’s grace, still alive. He took some prized books and distributed them to various churches for better access. Sickness awakens us to the need for heightened service and to make most of our remaining time on earth.
• My good brother, Pastor Fikre in Ethiopia, was hit hard when his beloved coworker, Pastor Worku, the Youth and children’s pastor, was kidnapped, badly beaten and left for dead. He managed to get help, and by God’s grace, is now being treated.
• Another pastor brother, in yet another African country plagued with rising food prices, has been suffering with very little food. “Therefore, we have stayed for 4 days without eating food due to lack of funds to buy for food.” The people have little so the pastor gets less.
You can see why this theme of endurance for the gospel sake is strong on my mind. Pray for the church to arise at the end of the age for her God-given tasks! Thanks so much for your prayers!
Although I have been facing all sorts of extra work, God has been gracious to provide special help and insight for sudden troubles when I need to prepare for Peru. Out of the blue, with no notification, Paypal made a small change that ruined my automated system. I am still busy reworking nearly one hundred buttons. Meanwhile, the translated handouts are starting to come in. The powerpoint slides will need to be redone in Spanish. More work. 
The second marriage seminar will be held 2 miles high in the Andes in Huancayo. May God give extra grace to the people there where many ancient houses from the Inca civilization can still be found. Pray for good adjustment to preaching in high elevations as I have very little time between seminars.
We are thankful that 82% of the STM budget has come in or is promised. We are looking for full provision. Grace is needed to handle the many projects around the house that I have been working on in preparation for my oldest daughter Elizabeth’s wedding.
STM support
We are so thankful for your prayer support. Our budget is finally
set. This is one of the rare times we have about 30% of support in early!
Praise God. Do pray for the remaining $3,500.
Praise God the Swahili updates have been posted and are now part of the Seed Project.
Elizabeth’s marriage to a great guy, Brooks White, on May 4th.
My Dad is being well cared for, but his future is still undetermined.
This Redemption series has been a spiritual breakthrough for me. The series has two more lessons.
Our STM plans secured! Leaving May 8th
Thankful that my second daughter and son-in-law, Christy and Elias, got a good price on a house closer to us!
Pray for Rev. Godstime’s health, Rev.’s food supply, Rev. Worku’s recovery.
Allison still seeks funding for her last payment for this college semester.
Keep praying for the translators as they are prepare the Spanish handouts. They are not yet finished and time is getting close. I need to use those resources to prepare the slides.
Please pray for the remaining funds for the STM trip to Peru to come in.
Grace to handle a slew of business forms.
I am preaching and teaching the next two Sundays.
Thanks so much for your prayers!
If you want a tax deductible receipt when making financial contributions, please send the check to our address but write the check to PCCO with BFF in the memo (General, STM, Love). We are so thankful for your kind giving!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+001) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St, Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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