Pray BFF Letter #213
Saturday, September 1, 2012
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Shaking the Land
"For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land" (Haggai 2:6).

"For thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land" (Haggai 2:6).
Dear Prayer Partners,
If you watch or read the news, you will have heard about the huge earthquakes that shook the Philippines (7.6 and 5.8). The earthquakes took place 20 miles under the ocean but shook the ground many miles away. Although the center was in the sea, it was not that far from the first seminar (see red on map).
Fortunately, that place is sheltered in a bay away from any tsunamis, but we will need to see what reports come from there. Someone said (my paraphrase), "This was a big enough earthquake to make everyone pray." It reminded me that we need to be urgent in all that we do, for the final shaking of the whole land is coming soon.
More Plans
I praise God that many details have been worked through (from my perspective!) for the three seminars. Now I can focus on material preparation:
- Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church (Discipleship 1)
- Building a Great Marriage
- Reaching Beyond Mediocrity (Discipleship 2)
One detail is still not not worked out: how I am to cross over to each island. I finally contacted a travel agent, but they have not got back with me yet. We do what we can and then trust the Lord to complete it.
Right now a high number of readers from the Philippines are coming to the BFF website. I have had not a few contacts with different individuals from the various islands. One who received ourfree materials today, ministers in South Asia. We are trying to get together.
Financial and prayer support
It is so exciting to receive notes from people around the world who are praying for these special BFF STM ministries. With earthquakes, financial needs, planning and communication problems, human hearts, etc., we are totally dependent upon the Lord. I love how Paul states it, "With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit" (Ephesians 6:18). The evil one does not like how the truth of God is invading further and further into his territory.
Thankfully, this trip is less costly and we have received a higher percentage earlier than usual. (We often don't receive a large portion of the funds until 2 weeks before departure!) Do pray for the remaining $2,000. I leave on Monday Sept 17th
Many seminar details have been worked through.
A good percentage of the finances have come in earlier than usual.
I have been able to acquaint myself with many Filipinos and their ministries.
The floods seem to have receded.
Seek the Lord for extra grace for those who suffered from the earthquake. Our first seminar meets in Pastor B.‘s church which is not far from the earthquake center. He has eye infection.
Preaching "Surprising Encounters with God" Sunday, Sept. 2nd.
Teaching the first class on 1 Peter also on Sept 2nd.
Four air tickets within Philippines have not yet been purchased. (Here are study questions!) -
Pray that God would provide the rest of the funds needed for this trip.
Ask God to watch over each coordinator, the weather and to bring and prepare each person that should be there.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
~ Make check out to BFF and send them to me or put them in offering at our church. Put BFF STM in the memo. If you need a tax receipt, write the check to PCCO.~
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (412) 398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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