Pray BFF Letter #212
Saturday, August 11, 2012
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Project Philippines
"Sing to the LORD a new song, Sing His praise from the end of the earth! You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it. You islands and those who dwell on them" (Isaiah 42:10).

"Sing to the LORD a new song, Sing His praise from the end of the earth! You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it. You islands and those who dwell on them" (Isaiah 42:10).
Dear Prayer Partners,
As I arrange pastor/leader training seminars for the Philippines, I can't help but think of the many islands that make up the country of the Philippines. On September 18th, just over one month away, I will land on one island and then hop over to two others before returning home. It has been especially challenging to arrange for these seminars, but I find there is always something that keeps me humble and on my knees (that is good, right)?
Thanks for praying for Pastor B. He has improved so much that he still wants to hold a seminar there.
"Thank a lot for your kindness and prayers to my family and work here, I am so thankful also for healing process of my injury. God is really our Great healer God.. I am now feeling okay compared before. You do not need to worry anymore about my situation, I am okay no by God's grace.... Your prayers is a big blessing to us..." –Pst. B.
Almost all the details have finally fallen into place over this past week. I will leave mid-September and return in early October. After landing in Manilla, I will fly/hop (still learning how to arrange for this) to the southern island of Mindanao (see map with the two downward arrows) and then fly up to Bacolod City for the third seminar before returning to Manilla.
Praise the Lord! I purchased tickets on Thursday rather than Tuesday. The airfare was over $150 less! This is one way the Lord provides for the trip. Please do pray for the remaining funds needed. We still have only $10 given toward the trip. If interested in a tax deductible receipt, please make your check to PCCO (our church) and send it to me. Notify me on the check it is for BFF STM. Otherwise just make it out to BFF. (We can take credit card too.) Thanks for all the past contributions which make these trips possible.
Stepping up
Besides teaching three two-day seminars, I will explore ways to further distribute BFF resources to Bible colleges. Our first project will be the Philippines. Pray that the Lord would open doors for this project.
I am just a beginner in learning how to do this. I am taking a small step at this point to see what extra web and web resources are needed to have it function smoothly in one country and then expand as God gives grace. Part of my trip will include one day at Filipino seminary that reaches out to Chinese! That is exciting.
- I thank the Lord, that after 6-7 years, I have finally uploaded videos and audios of our Hindi training materials from a past seminar in northern India. At that time, I could not handle the great amount of space or manpower needed. Now in my 'spare' time, God accomplishes it!
- Major details for this Philippine's trip seem worked out.
- I will be able to see a bit of OMF's work while there (our old mission).
- We had a nice family vacation in New England visiting relatives and friends. I was able to take a beautiful but arduous hike again over some mountains with two of my boys. Enough exercise for a year or two.
- Was able to do much planning for two upcoming Sunday Training classes.
- Preparing to co-teach a class on 1 Peter starting September. (Here are study questions!)
- Also preparing a class on the Progress of Redemption through the Scriptures.
- Final details for my first trip to the Philippines.
- May God be gracious to those in the Philippines during the heavy torrential rains and clear them up by next month.
- Pray that God would provide the rest of the funds needed for this trip. $5,990.00.
- Ask God to watch over each coordinator, the weather and to bring and prepare each person that should be there.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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