Pray BFF Letter #200
Thursday, November 22, 2011
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Partnering Together

"With one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel" (Philippians 1:27).
Dear Prayer Partners,
Growth and blessing
Through the years, God has greatly blessed the BFF ministry. We now offer a significant number of digital Christian library resources to His people around the world. A Bible college in Nigeria just wrote to tell me that they recently finished teaching on marriage using the Building a Godly Marriage materials. "Our students were blessed using your book."
Another wrote, "I just found your site today. It was like an oasis in a desert.... Thank you!"
Growth is happening on many fronts, but we are trying to stay focused. Some request materials; others counseling (5 cases right now), advice for churches, and various courses. Behind the scenes there is a constant demand for fine tuning/updating the resources in order to serve a greater number of people.
Online courses
For several years, people from other nations have been asking for our courses online. They can use the materials without the coursework, of course. But they have similar reasons to Americans for taking online courses. They want the pressure, a certificate, the dialogue with others, etc.
I have spent many hours lately, reshaping the material. This often means changing one of the books into a different format. Epub has been popularized by iBooks (the iPad) and others by Amazon. These E-readers are thrusting all of us into the digital world (whether we want to go or not).
The most recent request for a course came from someone in contact with an evangelist in Pakistan.
"I came across your site while searching for more insight on Micah 4 and was so blessed to find a wonderful study & application on it there."
"Our question is how can we get studies or courses which will give us a certificate of completion. He has been told that in some places for preaching or teaching, they want to see certificates of study."
We have the materials, but if God wants us to offer online courses, who will check and correct the work? If we offer the courses for free to ministers in overseas countries, how will God provide?
We have learned not to look at personal or financial resources but to what our Father in Heaven desires and watch how He provides. He will provide for what He wants done. Will you pray that this project gets going in by the end of this year?
"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply" J.Hudson Taylor
"O Israel, hope in the LORD From this time forth and forever" (Psalm 131:3).
Thank God that the day after the last prayer letter went out Linda's hip was better and remains so.
God blessed the three speaking occasions mentioned. Thanks so much. My Chinese came back to me (but now is gone again!).
Videos for chapters 5 and 6 are done.
Thank the Lord for another one to commit to giving monthly to BFF!
Praise that we have a volunteer to translate the marriage materials into Chinese. (Pray too for this project).
Our family's visit to the dentist - no cavities or problems! What a blessing we don't want to forget.
Pray for the tax-exempt issue to be resolved in BFF's favor. It has been passed to another department and awaits a ruling around Nov. 24th.
Four video chapters left! (1 chapter each week)
Pray for focus, personnel and funds to start up these online courses.
Provision for Allison's college needs.
Kathryn has started a gluten-free diet and that has resolved her stomach aches.
Wisdom for allotting time and making priorities.
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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