Pray BFF Letter #199
Saturday, October 22, 2011
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Serving a Greater Purpose

"The we may present every man complete in Christ"(Colossians 1:28).
Dear Prayer Partners,
Settled and focused
Since returning from Asia, I have been focusing on many projects. The image of horses at the starting line being released for a race comes to mind. All rushing forward. I have learned (sufficiently, I hope) to take breaks.
Yesterday, I took my wife out for our weekly date. I was glad to see a positive challenge to fathers in the film, "Courageous." With six young people twenty and under in the house, I need to keep this important challenge in my heart.
My new white board
I love my new 6 ft. by 4 ft. white board (It actually is a second-hand white board passed on from another nonprofit). We weren't sure we could attach that huge thing on my study wall, but there it now hangs (thanks to some help from my boys). I have a world map on the right side and I've posted significant projects to finish by year's end on the left.
One might think it would overwhelm me by looking at the projects posted there every day, but instead it has encouraged me to pray regularly over these projects and seek how the Lord will help me accomplish them.
This week's update
Maybe a list of some projects worked on this week will help you better understand what I do.
Yesterday, I finished updating the free double-sided Library that is sent to those around the world that cannot afford our training materials. It has 7.65 gb of information on it. I had to strip many videos from it just so it would fit on a double-sided Library. Check out the testimonies!
I finished chapter 4 of D2 'Reaching Beyond Mediocrity' video workbook. Each chapter has about ten, fifteen minute videos. Each one has its own small set of powerpoint slides. It is a challenge to find quietness here in a city setting to tape. The other day I noticed the two grandchildren were visiting. I started asking the LORD to help me make two videos that afternoon. God worked it out! I am very excited about how this series will really help God's people overcome all sorts of problems, sins, bad attitudes and habits – find God's abounding power, joy and love.
Getting ready for a Mac system update, I rushed to update our 'Building a Great Marriage' handouts that were on an old program that will no longer be supported.
Finished my third quarter taxes (that wasn't on the board).
Made good progress in putting some of our books on Apple's iBook store (until the password would not work!).
Good dialogue on how to change the huge BFF website that I am trying to better manage.
And praise God, I added a newer and better translator (a free mini-computer program) for our updated website pages. Check your language of choice on on the top right column. It is quick and fairly good (and no I did not check all the languages).
- I even found time to continue book writing for Discipleship 1 (only one morning but it counts!).
Do pray for us!
Thank the Lord for good health! (Do pray for Linda's hurting hip).
Praise Him for strength to accomplish much in little time.
Thank the Lord for the free whiteboard.
Thank Him for developing this online ministry at this key time that smart phones, online bookstores and webpages open up doors to further spread the glory of God's powerful teaching truths.
Pray for God's Word to touch the hearts of God's people tomorrow as I preach on worry (October 23rd) from Philippians 4:6-7.
Next Friday (Oct 28th) I need to speak in Chinese on 'Godly Parenting.'
That I would be a great father. With four teens Linda and I need increased wisdom!
Pray that chapter 5 in D2 video workbook would be done this coming week (one each week).
Still waiting for the federal government to resolve our tax-exempt status issue.
Provision for Allison in college. - Pray for one pastor who wrote to me who is struggling to get up to speed in his ministry after recent struggles in a former pastorate.
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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