Pray BFF Letter #192
Saturday, June 23, 2011
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Pushing Ahead

Dear Prayer Partners,
Finally done!
The difficulties from accidentally deleting the prayer letter list are almost sorted out. I finally figured out how to bypass the system. Thank the Lord for Elias' (son-in-law) help in pointing me in the right direction.
Some of you might have a new email address or no longer want to receive this letter. That is fine. If so, just email me and let me know or at the end of this letter you can click to unsubscribe. I apologize for any inconvenience to you.
We really need your prayers. Some have been asking, 'Where is your prayer letter?' Hopefully, all is corrected now, and we move forward! Sometimes a wrong turn leads one far out of the way. Here is our last letter which many of you may have missed.
September trip to Myanmar (Burma)
A number of people have recently asked about my next overseas trip. The plans are set to make a return trip to Myanmar (Burma) in September. We plan to hold two D2 (Discipleship II) seminars. The translation of the handouts has already begun.
I am also making plans for a short seminar in Singapore on the return trip since I will to go through there anyway. Do pray for the right plans to develop. Several are in the works.
Family updates
We have some praise and prayer requests.
First, I want to thank the Lord for Daniel, our fourth child's graduation from high school. He is looking for a job for the time being. Our daughter Allison, home from college, got a job nearby helping a mission cafe. Our homeschool enrollment is now down to four. We like that!
In order to stay updated on rapidly advancing technologies such as smart phones and ipad devices, I have started a home tutorial class to learn how to develop apps (programs) with my sons. So far, with the help of many video tutorials out there, I have not had to put much time into it, and step by step, I am better understanding how BFF might be able to utilize these new devices.
Ministry updates
Ministries are run by people. Let me provide an update from each of the pastor coordinators from the two countries I just visited, Uganda and Ethiopia. They need prayer!
Pastor Mubiru (Uganda) is out of the hospital, got married but now his wife, Moreen, will be in the hospital for a few weeks with a serious infection. They have faced a number of very difficult things including how their small church is to care for a large family of ten orphans.
Pastor Fikre oversees an indigenous group of churches spread throughout Ethiopia. Though they had permission to build a small church building, a Muslim group demolished it and severely harassed a few of the believers. Pray for this only church in the southern part of Ethiopia and the minister.
I have been trying to develop a video tutorial for one of our discipleship classes. It consists of many shorter videos with study questions. This kind of study might better suit people over the web rather than the more typical 90 minute training sessions. If anyone wants to help me review it, let me know (You need wifi access).
Thank the Lord for getting many details in place for the upcoming trip to Burma.
I am so thankful for you, our prayer partners, and that I can be back in contact with you!
The first chapter of the new discipleship video tutorial is finished.
Allison got a job! Daniel graduated!
Paul still needs a visa for his Burma trip as well as plans to be worked out for Singapore.
Pray for finances for this September trip. It is coming up fast and air tickets need to be purchased soon.
Ask the Lord to heal Moreen, the young bride and encourage Pastor Mubiru.
Seek for the Lord to establish a wonderful testimony in the southern Ethiopian new outreach area that had a burst of persecution.
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: pb@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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