Pray BFF Letter #191
Saturday, June 4, 2011
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Troubles and Blessings

Dear Prayer Partners,
A bump in the road
Since the beginning of the ministry nothing seemed so painful as accidentally eliminating our BFF Prayer Partner list. The most recent listing I could recover was from 2006 but even many of those email addresses have changed.
Ministry without prayer will go nowhere. And if I cannot communicate with our prayer partners, then our success is limited.
However, BFF ministry continues to push into the frontiers of God's kingdom work. The recent visit to Uganda and Ethiopia, shows us what God has been doing there in the last 20 years. There are incredible needs for training the Christian leaders (and obviously for the church). There is, at the same time, great opposition.
We are in serious need of your faithful prayers and support. If you are receiving this letter, you are already signed up. Many just can't figure out how to do that. They figure the invitation shows they are on the list. Please pray urgently that our prayer team will be reestablished.
As I make plans for Myanmar, I will need more prayers, not less. May God give us an even stronger prayer team than before. And thank you for your participation in this ministry. It is so encouraging!
The Luganda video training Libraries for Uganda
We praise God that we were able to finish the training audio/videos for the Luganda language. The resources are posted on the web. Some people wonder what good it is to post videos on the web. Here are a few reasons (besides being a backup!).
First, we send free content Libraries around the world to full-time ministers with access to a computer. Even without web access, they can view and show others the videos right off their computers (or Library players with modification). This information can then be copied as needed.
Yes, often their web connections are not strong enough for video, but the leaders of the bigger churches do have access to a computer even at a web cafe shop.
Secondly, this world is changing. Though few around the world have 'smart' cell phones that can show videos, they are increasing in popularity and will decrease in price. Many Christian leaders in the third world already have cell phones. They are much cheaper there. Landlines are rare. Smart cell phones are replacing the need of a desktop computer.
BFF ministry must stay a step ahead technologically of the needs of God's workers in order to maximize the opportunity when it comes. Another side point. Some people, including missionaries or visitors to the USA, get the Libraries here and bring them back with them.
OpportunitiesAround the World
The BFF ministry is like a snake in tall grass. One cannot quite figure out where it is, but it seems everywhere. One person recently requested thefree materials (there is 8 gb of information on this Library) so that they could reference the material in their radio ministry.
"I am from Tanzania. I'm a Global Recordings Network Regional Language Tracking Assistant for Africa. I hope I can get your training materials "Library" that I believe will be blessing for me and my Ministries in African Countries. Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you soon."
As I said, we need fervent prayer so that God can use these BFF materials to strengthen His people around the world to help them finish His great work! He also wants our Swahili audio/videos.
- Thank the Lord for your faithful prayers for the ministry and my family over these years. God has done so much!
'All our Luganda videos, audios and handouts have been 'webized'!
Pastor Mubiru got out of the hospital, trust his hand is better and finally got married (he got caught in a political riot).
Two seminars are generally lined up for September in Burma.
Praise the Lord we completed BFF's first brochure for a mission conference tomorrow. Click to view! Welcome to print or request from us for your church.
The BFF website still has not been able to regain its former daily 10,000 page views since Google's new algorithm changes. With encouragement from Joshua, I am now praying for an impossible 14,000 daily page views. Join me!
Our family is growing! Allison is home from first year of college and Daniel graduates from high school June 16th. Both are looking for jobs.
After 10 months of searching, there is a strong lead on publishing the first translation of the Gospels for the Palawng people who live between China and Burma. This is not BFF work trying to help a pastor I met during our travels in Burma who finished the work.
Pray that God would build a stronger prayer team than before!
- Have an epub reader like iPad or the likes? We are experimenting with epub! Let us know how it works.
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: pb@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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