Pray BFF Letter #187
March 11, 2011
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Readying To Go

Dear Prayer Partners,
It is just under two weeks until I leave for Uganda and Ethiopia. We are thankful for your faithful prayer support. Spiritual warfare is real.
Be careful
With revolutions, earthquakes and spiritual opposition, we must be prepared and covered by prayer. One brother, after returning from a similar trip, shared with me that he faced much opposition. He was worn down by it. He said he was not properly prepared.
After I left Uganda last year, the pastor coordinator was in a car accident that totaled his vehicle (which he couldn't replace). The enemy seeks out the place that he can cause the greatest amount of disturbance. Please keep praying for my family, not only while I am away, but also before and afterward.
Details and more details
Most of the housing arrangements are worked out. The coordinators and I are still working on the handouts. The handouts are long due to the number of sessions. Here is one translated page on the right. It is the index to the marriage seminar handout in the Luganda language. We try to make it a document that can be used to teach from.
Praise God our support levels for this STM are up. Keep praying, though. We have about half way to go with only 13 days left. We are trusting our good Lord to take care of the needed funds.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord that more funds for the trip have come in!
Housing is largely worked out.
Translations are almost complete.
Paul got a much-needed plumbing done job today. (He tries to fix things before he goes away.)
Prayer Requests
Peace and protection for all the families and ministries who are sending Christian leaders to the seminars.
Special protection for the families when the husband and wife attend the marriage seminar.
The Lord's protection as the final details are worked out for hosting the seminars.
We still need a little over $5,000.
In God's Love, Paul
Paul J. Bucknell/BFF
3276 Bainton St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
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