Pray BFF Letter #181
October 28, 2010
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Extension of Ministry

Dear Prayer Partners,
The greatest impact of Biblical Foundations for Freedom comes through those who have been significantly strengthened and envisioned by the Spirit through BFF training materials and are passing that training on.
So much exciting news is coming in. Please continue to pray diligently for them.
I was unable to send email out of Myanmar. Upon my visit to Singapore I sent out an email trying to meet up with people in Singapore who had received our materials. I was pleasantly surprised to be able to meet up with 4-5 pastors with only two day's notice. Even more exciting is to hear how they are using BFF materials not only in Singapore but also overseas on their trips such as to closed countries to their north.
I was not able to go to India in person this year, but I did teach two 12 hour classes through computer networking. I just finished the second course. They can see me and the slides, while it is translated live into Bengali.
But much more exciting is Pastor Jagannath's month long discipleship class teaching through BFF's D1 and D2 seminars.
Myanmar (Burma)
I recently returned from Myanmar. I have received additional reports from those who attended the D1 seminar, Initiating Spiritual Growth in the Church, and how they are now training others in many places. (View our brief video on our recent trip to Asia.)
On Nov. 1st, Pastor David is going to the Rakhine State, the most staunchly Buddhist section of Burma and perhaps the world, to train 60 leaders using the D1 seminar.
Pastor Richard wrote,
"The Word of God that you gave us is very good and great. It is very precious for us. Praise the LORD! The ministers from various places are also very happy for that. They sent me letters and called reporting the spiritual blessings in their churches and places through practicing your teaching. The 120 ministers from 13 different places in Myanmar will continue to spread the teaching they learned from you."
Rev. Godstime plans to use The Godly Man in their Bible college soon.
Pastor Mubiru requested 200 signed certificates for his 150+ graduates. I was able to visit and only do a little training earlier this year on my short hop to Uganda. He had been appointed to oversee four hundred plus pastors and so invited me to help train them.
Since then, even though his car was totaled, he was able to go from place to place over these past 8 months, training pastors from what he learned from that training (I leave our library of training materials behind as a further resource). They will receive certificates this Saturday on October 30!
"We shall be having training two days every week with the class of 50 church leaders. The class will be running for three months. We are beginning with three classes in different locations."
He actually did it, without finances and a without a car. We had the main training manual translated for them into the Luganda language. I will return next year for a longer visit.
God's work is amazing! This is just part of the story. Still many others are being touched by the materials on the web and implementing it into their teachings and ministries. Many others are using BFF materials in different countries. We try to maximize the blessing by translating the material and distributing it to them.
We are thankful to report that 15 videos from the Myanmar visit are now finished and largely uploaded onto the BFF website (my web hosting bill is getting larger - yikes!). I still need to learn how to put these bilingual videos, English and Burmese, into VCD/Library format and send them off after the Myanmar election in mid-November.
Praise the Lord for much productivity despite jet lag.
I had a great time speaking at a mission conference two weekend's ago. People seemed moved by the messages.
Thank the Lord for propelling biblical training into the far parts of the world through BFF materials.
Thanks to the Lord for a 2 terabyte hard drive where I can put all my materials in one place. My memory was failing as to where I was storing files.
15 bilingual English-Burmese videos (mp3s coming) are completed! Web pages completed.
Pray for financial help for each of these pastors training others. Each of them carry a heavy burden supporting their ministries. The workers they train, often financially and otherwise, depend on them when sent out. They literally scrape by. Pray for a stronger faith to uphold them. If you are looking to make the most of your kingdom investment, let me know. These guys are working hard. A little bit makes a big difference. A typical income ranges from US$10 to $50 a month, depending upon where they live and their load of responsibilities.
Jayasen is conducting a pastor/leader training seminar in Orissa (the persecuted state) these two weeks. Rev. Godstime will be conducting a training seminar (Nov 12-21) in Nigeria.
Myanmar's elections are coming up on November 7th. Pray for safety.
Technical insight for moving the videos to VCDs.
Pastor David as he trains those 60 leaders in Rakhine State.
Our daughter Allison is doing well in college. Pray for finances for the second semester.
Thank you for being a wonderful mobilizer team. See how God is multiplying your efforts!
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: pb@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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