Pray BFF Letter #180
October 2, 2010
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A Short Report

Dear Prayer Partners,
Although I am in a half conscious state from jet lag, I am trying to get this update of my trip to you. I came back without incident yesterday and am catching up on a lot of business today. Your prayers were wonderfully used while I was overseas. I will include two quotes.
Many orphans attended the evening meetings of the last seminar. You can see them lined up in the front.
"We believe that you have arrived back to your home safely. We are not
ceasing to pray for you. We would like to again say "Thank you so much"
for Initiating Spiritual Growth seminar here. We will never
cease to say a word of thanks upon your sacrificial life, help us in
training, your love to God and our country, and teaching us that we
had never heard. You are the only one who taught the most necessary
for Myanmar. We had never seen such kind of subject. Through you, God
will make many workers for the mission field in Myanmar. We will
report you the results that we see through this seminar.
Once again, thank you very much for your love Myanmar."____________________________
"I am so glad to know that you had arrive to your home safely.
Have a wonderful time with your family after spending so
much time in Myanmar. We will keep continue to pray for you and your
ministry. Please come and visit us again in next year. Words are not
enough to thank you for your material and seminar."
Despite the upcoming elections, we could meet in peace.
Paul got a visa in a remarkably short time thanks to the efficient embassy staff!
Some are burdened to go and teach this seminar material elsewhere.
Paul's health was good. At home everything went well.
Paul was protected from the powerful storm so he could get to the airport. The driver could only get back up the mountain after a 3 hour delay due to the flooding.
Lots of stamina for me and translators.
I could get 1/4 of a book written since the last seminar ended.
Pray for Myanmar. This was constantly requested by them.
I have about 13 talks to shape into English-Burmese audio-visuals.
Protection for pastors and evangelists who often face persecution.
Adjustment to the time here.
Wisdom to rightly prioritize different projects.
Rev. Godstime from Nigeria has lost his Bible College and home due to a flood. Pray for the family and ministry.
Many thanks for your prayers and support,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: pb@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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