Pray BFF Letter #176

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
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It's Getting Close

Dear Prayer Partners,

Paul's trip to Burma is fast approaching! He is looking forward to training up leaders there. BFF will hold three 3-day seminars translated from English to Burmese. Here are two typical signs of an upcoming training trip. First, we see God start to supply the monies. financial needs for the tripAnd second, we face extra troubles.

#1 Support begins to come in

We are glad to report that funds for the upcoming trip have started coming in. As the chart on the right shows, we are now up to 37% if we include promised income. That is great compared to a week ago when it was a mere 2.3%. Praise God! And thank you for your support.

It is always encouraging to see how the Lord stirs His people to take part in building up His kingdom world-wide. We also need you to pray for us. That leads us to the second sign of an upcoming ministry trip.

#2 Troubles arise

Do you believe in ghosts? Little devils causing trouble? I don't. I believe in the big devil that does involve himself and his legions of accomplices instigating trouble. This last week has been quite rough emotionally, spiritually and physically.

We started off at a high point: holding our precious new little granddaughter, Brianna. All are doing well, even though the baby was a month early. We were extra busy helping and celebrating.

But lots of pesky troubles and bothersome administration ripped away at my writing time. Part of it is the long, hot summer. My study gets very hot by 10:00 am because the morning sun beats in my window. It becomes difficult to focus and my eyes are easily irritated by fans.

Some of the extras that distract are: upgrading our van, preparing our daughter for college, even finalizing details for the trip. I find my ability to cope with administration details is not as strong as it used to be (which was not great then). I can do a few things but then it easily becomes overwhelming.

But these routine things had other things piled on them like extra house (e.g. snaking backed-up pipes) and car repairs, some of them quite expensive, made it rather difficult to focus this week. Let me tell you one scene.

Two days after downsizing our big van (praise God we finally did it), the check-engine light came on! When did it come on? On the way back from dropping off our other car for an emergency repair on the exhaust pipe and catalytic converter. On the way back to the car dealer to get the engine fixed (at 50% price), I got a call notifying me that our dishwasher was smoking. Another repair.

This might not sound any different from some of your weeks. I know. But these troubles are ways the evil one attempts to keep us from concentrated times in the scriptures so that our prayers and preparations for the trip are minimized. I have to (and still need to) regularly focus on the truth of God's promises to keep a peaceful heart.
All this to say, "Keep praying!" We really need and appreciate your prayers.



Many thanks for your prayers and support,


Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor

Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA

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