Pray BFF Letter #174
Monday, July 12, 2010
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Urgent Prayer for India
Dear Prayer Partners,
Yesterday, I was encouraging someone to taste my wonderful Indian tea. The tea came from both the east and west of the Himalayan mountains in northern India where BFF held seminars. They were gifts from the famous tea plantations. Only lately have I started to enjoy and share this tea (drinking it black). Very nice.
The gifts bring flashbacks to that fruitful ministry as well as some recent urgent prayer and ministry requests from India.
We recently received an update on Nathan, the 8 year-old son of a church planter in northern India. They decided to fast and pray for him instead of bringing him to the hospital for his eye cancer. Here is an update.
"I just spoke with Nathan's father. After the prayer it seems he is stable and plays with kids. In fact tomorrow they are taking him to the hospital for a check up."
I have not heard any report since he went for the check-up.
A Key Ministry in Financial Crisis
Financial support might seem shaky here in the USA, but it can be devastating in the third world. Today, one key ministry that reaches out to an unreached area in northern India, sent out an urgent SOS.
"I need your prayers, as a ministry team we are in the verge of great financial crises. Uphold us my brother in your prayers."
Will you join me in prayer for this strategic ministry? Thank you.
Teaching in India starts tomorrow!
That is correct! I agreed to teach in late July, but surprise! the class starts tomorrow, July 13th at 7:30 am. Each morning, for 2 hours, I will teach at a discipleship school via the Internet. There are several related prayer requests.
First of all, pray that the high-speed internet, due to be installed just hours before we start, actually gets set up without a hitch. From my experience, set up can be fraught with many difficulties. Please pray.
Secondly, I will be teaching two lessons on each of the six days. I only had time to start thinking about what material I would be teaching two days ago. So you can imagine what I am preparing. This is not new material, but I need to properly refresh myself each day for such long lessons.(I was able to talk to the students when I was in India).
Pray for JB who will translate for me. The Bengali people are strategic to reach in these last days.
I will also be teaching and preaching this coming Sunday at our church. So I am busy, busy.
____________ Special Update July 17th 2010 _________
Keep praying for India!
Beside the financial emergency of a key ministry, cancer of a church planter's son and the ongoing classes via internet (which have been good and exciting), there is another urgent prayer request.
Two pastors were traveling on motorbike in the jungle for a meeting, but the bike took a spill. They were both hurt. The younger one whom I know was less hurt. The older one, though, in his fifties, could not even get into the hospital without having the financial resources. After 2 days he was finally able to be looked at, a broken nose bone, etc. he was in agony taken to the hospital. But things do not look good. He needs our prayers. Let me quote.
We have started providing him better medication here and tomorrow after prayer in the church we will be taking him to main hospital for brain scanning, x-ray and many other tests.
He was saying today that his head is roaming here and there thus we feel it to scan the brain because he fall on the front side and
provide some medicine for that.
Please pray for this influential pastor who is involved in training pastors in that area of India.
Brother Paul
____________ End of Special Update July 17th 2010 _________
We thank the Lord for working out plans for getting Allison to college in Tennessee in August. Linda and I will drive her.
We thank the Lord for progress on Life Lessons for the New Believer. We have produced three videos (12 minute long) and prepared study questions for the lessons.
Air tickets for the flights to East Asia in September are purchased; only a local flight to book now. Translation of materials should start soon.
Praise God the two new BFF Parenting Library and Marriage Library have been finalized. Each one required a multitude of small detailed work.
Continue to pray for Nathan, his family, their ministry and outreach to their community.
Paul is preaching and teaching Sunday (7/18).
Pray for the high-speed internet connection in India to be smoothly hooked up, so we can begin.
Pray for the 11 or so students (aged 20-30), some recently have come to know the Lord but are on fire for Him.
Full provision for Allison's college expenses.
Paul's eye has got twice irritated/infected. Bothered by fans.
Pray for $8000 for the upcoming trip to the East.
Many thanks for your prayers and support,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: info@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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