Pray BFF Letter #172
Saturday, June 19, 2010
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New Ideas
Dear Support Team,
Thank you so much for your prayers. Since our last regular letter, I sent out a prayer alert for Nathan an 8-year old with cancer in his eye, the only son of a church planter.
I have called the overseer there in northwest India. He told me that the family and church have begun a 20 day fast and prayer for Nathan's healing. His picture is on the right.
New Series
I often live between the challenge of developing new materials and improving the old. When I start something new, it means something 'old' will not be updated or improved.
This past week I started a new series called, "Life Lessons for the New Believer." I am saddened at how many new believers are not discipled.
Evangelicals spend lots of time, training and money on bringing people to know the Lord, but then simply expect them to attend church. This is what typically happens and is tragic.
I hope this new series, in short video lesson format, will not only help many new believers grow, but will also cause older believers to actually disciple new believers!
This first 12 minute lesson can be found at: "Two Lives" from Romans 7:21-25 or on BFF's Facebook wall where you can make comments.
I was encouraged today by a sister that shared how going through the Cross Training series a few years ago (especially the Master-Servant lesson) radically enabled her move ahead in her spiritual life.
A New Class
The parenting class is finished. It went well. Starting tomorrow I am co-teaching a new series during Sunday Training on Inductive Bible Study Methods through the Book of Titus. Ramesh and I are excited about the upcoming class. It will be a challenge to teach inductive Bible study to a large class as it normally involves lots of personal study. Do pray for us - starting tomorrow!
One thought as I introduce the class.
God has radically changed my life through His Word. The major means He did this was through daily personal inductive Bible study over many years. We need to study God's Word in such a way that it shapes our life-style, decisions, attitudes and choices--everything.
We are excited about Allison's High School graduation and acceptance at Union University for creative writing. Pray that God would provide everything needed for the first year coming up soon!
Praise the Lord for the new short video series to train new believers.
Paul has been able to help a few people he has been mentoring with web and computer skills.
Praise God that Paul was able to finish making the parenting videos.
Join Nathan's parents and church family as they seek healing for the cancer in his eye.
Paul is preaching tomorrow (6/20) and starting the new summer Sunday School series on Titus.
Linda's knee flared up. She has been stuck on the sofa. Fortunately the children have been helping out. Her knee is not so painful but still swollen.
Paul will be applying for a visa to Burma next week. Other details are being worked out for the trip coming up in September.
Paul has continued problems with computer and web uploading.
Many thanks for your prayers and support,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: pb@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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