Pray BFF Letter #170
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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Caught in Between
Dear Support Team,
I really sensed your prayers as I kept up a very busy speaking schedule after being away in Africa. Praise God we saw Him helping mightily by providing stamina, care at home, messages that helped many and a measure of fluency when speaking in Chinese. The parenting classes are being well-received. Four classes to go.
One of the ways we serve our brothers and sisters overseas is to provide training material. We take printed material to them when we go, but the audio/video recordings of the seminar have a far greater impact after I have returned. They can go where I cannot.
I thought I would only need to edit two seminars' worth of audio/video, but at the very last minute I discovered that a third Kenyan language was used: Luo (place of President Obama's family). So this added about 18 audios (60+ minutes long) to edit.
BFF is excited to offer different language resources, but I am often praying for the Lord's provision of help to edit. Many of the pastors are now using the materials to train their congregations. The seminar materials would be of great assistance to them.
Please pray that God would provide someone to edit these materials to make them available to those overseas. The learning curve is not very high if one is familiar with word processing.
I know my key focus is on the development of new training materials and instruction.
In Preparation
Please pray as I prepare for the fall trip. Some people are surprised to learn that I probably will not go to India this year. I go where God leads me. I would be very glad to go to India and have many groups inviting me. The Lord, however, has prompted me to respond to three requests in Myanmar (formerly Burma). The three groups have requested training at the same time so there is insufficient time to visit India (at least that's the way it looks right now).
Do pray as I apply for a visa. This has been a closed country and might be reluctant to give me a visa. Those inviting me do not seem to have any concerns. I am also praying for someone to team up with me.
God gave great grace during these past weeks at home and in ministry.
I was going to play a game with my children last night to lay low during this time of sickness. But they went outside to play. I actually surprised myself and started a BFF Facebook group. Do become a member! (I think just Biblical Foundations for Freedom in search).
Those in the parenting class have lots of questions as we move into the areas of training and discipline.
Thank the Lord for 32 years of marriage! We hope to get away for a couple days next week to celebrate.
- Pray for Bishop Makawa's wife.
You might remember two of his older children died since I have worked with him there in Malawi. Now his wife is failing and not eating. She has malaria. Pray for healing and strength for Mercy and the whole family and ministry (see right).
Four more parenting classes on Wednesday's at 7:00 pm.
Volunteer Audio/Video editor
This Sunday, Paul will teach Chinese-speaking parents about parenting their teens.
He needs wisdom to set up extension courses. He wants to provide accountability but does not want to be swamped with details.
Pray that the Myanmar visa is granted.
Paul, Linda and a few children are under the weather. Fortunately, Linda seems to be getting better.
Many thanks for your prayers and support,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: info@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: (+01) 412-398-4559
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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