Pray BFF Letter #169
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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Still Landing!
Dear Support Team,
When a plane is landing, it goes slower and slower but not by very much. This is the way it seems for me since I returned from Uganda and Kenya. In Africa I spoke in meeting after meeting, giving me only a little rest at night.
But since returning, I have spoken 4 times and it is not slowing down. This week I have five more sessions! I need your continued prayers! Let me first provide a short Africa update and then share our prayer requests!
Africa 2010
The short term trip to Uganda and Kenya was blessed beyond my imagination. My perspective is so limited, but I stand amazed. Your prayers have made a great difference. The collection of prayer notes sent in Africa are combined with pictures in prayer letter #168 (pdf). You might not have seen these.
We saw God work deeply in the lives of those who attended the seminars. Here are a few testimonies. Note how God's Word is changing their perspectives so that they change the way they minister.
"Brothers, the life of my ministry had a turning point on the day I was in training with Reverend Paul. I heard from a very anointed man of God who spoke life to me and my ministry. I realized the real me. It was my visitation as a pastor. My focus was really changed about ministry to the body of Christ, and I feel a zeal that at least every Pastor in Uganda get to hear this." From Pastor Mutebi
"According to me I went through the same verses he talked of and when he started sharing them I wondered how he will proceed, but after few minutes brothers, I was equipped by Rev. Paul's message. God has given me more revelation in this material when he came to Uganda on 20th.
Each day I go through this manual and every time I get to know more.
And I have tried to put them into practice and teaching some ministers in my church. Every one there has a living testimony, but it is my request we still need this man to talk to us. I believe every pastor has a need for this training. God continue to use our leader and Reverend Paul Bucknell amen." From Pastor Bulega
Do pray for Rev. Mubiru who heads up 400 churches. Since my return, he has survived a terrible automobile accident with little personal injury (Praise the Lord). But the car that he uses to visit the churches was totaled (see picture). Two hundred of his pastors have already signed up for training.
God worked greatly through both the marriage and discipleship seminars. Both the small group of pastors in the big city of Nairobi and the large group of pastors, laymen and wives (500+ on largest day) out in the fields were very much helped by the 3 day marriage seminar. There were so many testimonies. Lives changed. Please look at the letters I wrote from the field to get more understanding of it.
My books on parenting and marriage have finally been printed there and are now selling. May God give all the people of Kenya the great vision of a biblical marriage.
Back in USA
Parenting Class
Thank you for your prayers. I really sense God's continued presence as Linda and I have started up a 9 week parenting class. It is in English, but we provide Chinese reading and handouts for those attending from the Chinese congregation. There are several of unbelievers in this class of 30 including some from Japan.
Missions Conference
Big God, Big World, Big Plan is the theme of our church's Missions Month. Paul has already preached and shared in Sunday School about BFF and the African trip. We are still seeking for other churches to support BFF, as the Lord leads.
Prayer seminar
Thank the Lord for raising up another good speaker to replace the main Chinese speaker for this prayer seminar (he had since passed into the Lord's presence). Paul loves speaking on prayer but coming back from Africa, Chinese seems far from his mind right now (though he had opportunity to do some Chinese evangelism at the African airports).
Pray that God would mightily burden these 40 Chinese leaders with prayer (this Thursday to Saturday, April 22-24). Paul will preach at the Chinese church in Raleigh, NC on Sunday.
Praise the Lord that even though the short term mission costs were much more than anticipated, funds came in to cover all the needs with $400 extra (will use in next trip).
Praise God for the Spirit's mighty work through your prayers in Uganda and Kenya.
Thank the Lord for grace to start and teach the 9 week parenting class. God is helping the parents even more than usual it seems.
Pray for Rev. Mubiru's full recovery from his car accident and a replacement for his car to conduct meetings.
Parenting classes are on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 pm. Tomorrow is lesson 3.
Paul leaves on Thursday, April 22nd for a seminar on prayer and preaching. He will speak three times in Chinese. He desperately needs God's help with his Chinese!
The pastor said, "I feel strongly in my heart that it will be a great revival for the families in Kenya." It seems like God is doing such a thing. Do pray more!
We are praying for God to raise up more churches to support BFF.
In Christ's Majestic Love,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: info@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: 1-412-761-3508
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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