Pray BFF Letter #165
January 20, 2010
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Kenya & Uganda
Dear Support Team,
Plans for the African STM'10 are partially settled. Thanks for praying. They have taken a significant amount of time. I will be going about 2 weeks earlier than originaly planned, but it works out well this way. After a shorter trip to Uganda, I will travel to Kenya for three seminars.
Mityana, Uganda (March 19-20th)
This is the first trip to Uganda for me. Although the visit is shorter, this is a good way to better understand the situation there with potential for future service. A new overseer of 700 churches says 400 churches severely need training for his pastors.
After a radio program on Friday night, we will hold a one day seminar for a possible 100 pastors. The traveling is tight. I will have recently arrived from overseas. The schedule is a bit rushed, but I look forward to this visit.
Click for larger image.
Nairobi, Kenya (March 22-24th)
I am pleased to work with Rev. Matthew of Scripture Union. I appreciate his burden for the families throughout Kenya. We will train 25 couples in the Marriage seminar so that they can in turn train others.
STM'10 African DonationsIf you would like to contribute to this African trip, mark your contribution 'STM2010.' Please give directly to BFF (or through church). Tax deductible receipts are provided at the end of the year. 100% of what is designated 'STM' (Short term missions) is used for these trips! |
Rev. Matthew oversees the SU Family ministry throughout Kenya. I especially appreciate his focus on training others to train others.
The need for instruction on marriage is so desperate. It is a neglected teaching. The marriage seminar that was last taught in Nigeria, which parallels our book Building a Great Marriage, was very much appreciated and helpful.
Kisumu, Kenya (March 25-27th)
Rev. Maurice did a great job overseeing the seminar last year. We did have trouble with the budget because God brought twice the number of attendees that we expected. In Kisumu we are inviting 200 pastor/leader couples to be trained in marriage principles so that they can work with their churches.
It will be a challenge to get the teaching down to the practical areas of life with such a large group.
Bondo, Kenya (March 29-31th)
Rev. Maurice will also oversee this seminar on discipleship. We are planing again for a large group.
These truths have a great impact on how these pastors view their own personal Christian lives and ministries to others. Once a person understands the 3 stages of discipleship, he can confidently help a person grow in each of the stages. (You can see and hear these messages here).
The four training seminars are arranged!
I am grateful for opportunity to squeeze Uganda into this year's plans.
Praise God for the first donation!
Each coordinator has been doing a great job.
Work out details for the flights and good connections. It has not been easy!
Special blessing to pastors in Uganda.
Improve the marriages and devotion of Kenyan pastors and Christian leaders.
Total financial provision for this African trip. $8,000 to go!
We would like to give more books to the pastors but not sure it can be covered by the budget due to large numbers attending.
In Christ's Majestic Love,
Rev. Paul J. Bucknell, President and Instructor
Biblical Foundations for Freedom
Email: info@foundationsforfreedom.net
Phone: 1-412-761-3508
3276 Bainton St., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 USA
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