Dear Prayer Team,
Praise & Thanks!
Praise God for graciously supplying the total needed for the trip!!! One brother recently asked how much was still needed. At that time $800 was still outstanding. God had just arranged that he could give that exact amount and promptly did so. We thank the Lord for the faithfulness of brothers and sisters all around the world that make these five pastor training seminars in India and Malawi possible.
We know your prayers make a huge difference!
Linda and I really sensed your prayers at the weekend church retreat. God was working in the hearts of the people in spite of our inadequacies. Linda learned that she can trust God even when preparation does not come easily. Looking back, she can now understand the "fight" to prepare. The workshop for wives was just what God wanted He used it in a special way. No wonder there was so much opposition!
How does she know? She saw God at work especially in one wife who was about to abandon ship. She had a complete change about in her life by following God's directions. The couple is now talking and smiling again. That same wife came and told Linda over and over how much she appreciated that message.
One person came to Paul and pointed out a lady who came to know the Lord after Paul's message. God prepared her heart. He also told me about a Taiwanese lady who was greatly helped even though she does not know Mandarin (Chinese)! Paul did particularly pray that people would understand his Chinese messages no matter what language they spoke or could hear. God answered! God was touching many hearts, and it was good to see many stand indicating change in their lives throughout the conference (there were 3 main speakers). May God help these families in their new beginnings.
Keep praying
The trip to the Smokey Mountains went very smoothly, but things are still not working out very well at home. The family is fine, but we find many obstacles. The washing machine revolted. The printer has got into a stubborn streak and does not want to print. These are just a few things.
Paul is also trying to foresee the needs of the family for these upcoming 3+ weeks. He is trying to see what is needed and how God will provide wisdom to fix things. God always comes through. May Paul spend time enough with the family and not get over-focused on these other matters.
Paul is not sure how much computer access he will have once he hits the skies. Sometimes he finally gets to use the pastor's computer in his home via modem - only one day to do it, but then the electricity goes out and makes that room very dark for who knows how long.
Eugene will come from Singapore and would especially appreciate prayer for his journey! Below is the calendar that can be printed out.

Thanks to God
Praise God for answering prayer at the family retreat, including fluency, health, wisdom and especially work in the hearts of God's people.
Pray for God to continue to work in the hearts of those family members.
We so much appreciated seeing how God raised up people at the right time to invest in this upcoming trip to India and Malawi. All the money is in!
Linda really appreciates seeing how God helped her.
Great time for Paul and Linda! They even listened their 29 year old wedding tape traveling in the car.
Requests to God
Paul preaches on the Sunday before he leaves (9th).
Paul and Eugene are still working on Malawi's messages. May God bless them as they work together.
Preparation for the first India seminar next week. They are typically very intense (speaking morning, afternoon and evening) in very hot and humid conditions.
Safety in India and good travel connections for Paul and Eugene and good health.
Homeschool starts soon! Lots of preparations for Linda.
The Lord help fix things for Paul and get the many big and little thing done.
Serving Together for the Glory of God,
Paul and Linda Bucknell
Biblical Foundation for Freedom
3276 Bainton St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Write to Paul with your comments:
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