Pray BFF #101 November 10, 2006
Dear Prayer Team,
The other day, a friend and I were talking about the importance of memories. Memories are helpful to keep us on track and especially to keep us humble before the Lord. Biblical Foundations for Freedom had its beginning six years ago. Early on a Saturday morning in November, I cried out to the Lord for what He wanted with my life. I had seven children, no income and no ministry. He instantly revealed what He wanted and put the vision before me that weekend. Three months later I had learned enough about the web and began to write "Running the Race: Overcoming Lusts."
Memories remind us of what God has done. He has constantly given me wisdom, energy, focus and help. I honestly did not know how He would help me write. I am still astonished. He is absolutely remarkable. He raised up this ministry to build up and serve His people around the world.
Here are two testimonies from people requesting the free BFF Library early today:
"I'm from Singapore. Pastor of a church committed to church planting. I was searching the web for materials on dicipleship and found yours very helpful. It just fit into what I'm trying to engage my church into. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I'm thankful that your materials is just what I could use to train my leaders. Appreciate if you see me free materials for use to spin us into Discipleship."
"Being a full-time servant of the Lord, presently serving in the “Counseling and Teaching Ministry”, in SRI LANKA, I do moreover find myself requiring an assortment of Bible support material on varied topics, in order to help others, and too grow further, in the knowledge and love of God. I immensely thank God for enabling me to come upon this wonderful free offer."
Each day Linda and I are humbled and thankful that He can use even us. We are also thankful that God has taken care of our financial needs. BFF's financial needs, except short term missions, are largely the personal needs of our family. We praise God for no serious health problems requiring hospital care. This is not luck. Our water heater broke but would you believe someone from the other side of the world sent a gift for our family that largely covered the replacement? Our regular supporters are very few. We have had a great journey in seeing how God provides in a timely manner for our needs. There are things which have been left undone because of financial shortage but we have learned to trust and delight in God in His timing and purpose.
We thank you again for your prayers on our behalf! Do keep praying that God would mightily strengthen His church around the world to finish the Great Commission.
The Race goes on!
The Lord has continued to provide extra grace for Paul. He has been on his back for almost three weeks (thankfully getting better). But praise the Lord. The laptop has enabled Paul to get this work done even quicker. The laptop is newer and can handle the larger projects such as a 450 page document filled with graphics.
Once I finish one project, another comes on line. It is remarkable. After the last letter, someone wrote asking for our series on Building A Great Marriage! in print. We have had it on the web but just never got around to make it available in book form. After that, someone asked us for the Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God manual. This was the one mentioned above which drastically needed to be redone. Now it is much more user-friendly 200+ page manual. Two sections of the counseling project have been edited. A number more need to be written/edited.
Thanks to God
BFF's sixth birthday!
God has used recent messages to help people.
Although Paul had a set back with his back problem, he is on the mend.
Thankful for a special get-away for Linda to visit her Mom, family and an old youth group reunion to celebrate her former youth leader's 80th birthday.
• That God has given Paul extra motivation with the timely requests for materials.
• That Paul was able to steadily work even though laid up.
Requests to God
That we would live in the humility of our beginning and in the richness of His grace.
Guidance and wisdom as Paul discerns the future.
Paul will be speaking several times in the next weeks.
Pastor Alberto will be speaking at family seminars in Argentina in November.
That God would show the documentary at the right time (still undecided).
Full healing for Paul's back and Linda's foot. (It was funny how my Dad in his 80s said he was doing better than my brother and I!)
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Serving Together for the Glory of God,
Paul Bucknell
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