Pray BFF #99 September 23, 2006
Dear Prayer Team,
God's Work Done in God's Way
Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it;
Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.
It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors;
For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.” Psalms 127:1, 2, NASB.
I have been trying to do God's work in God's way. After all, my resources and strategies are very limited. Sure I can stay up late or take other measures to get God's work done but this would be Paul doing it rather than God. I honestly have to learn how to do things God's ways. His way brings extra reward and blessing even when I am sleeping! This is one reason that I spend time praying and asking others to pray for us. Prayer helps in endless ways because it welcomes God to work in each and every situation. Each seminar message was greatly used because people were praying. Paul squeezed through that stomach bug and avoided countless accidents by God's grace. Finances came in and were transferred at the very last moment by the prayers of the people.
As we look ahead at other possible seminars in India and elsewhere, I want to really focus on God's way. Many talk about this or that opportunity, but I am shy at just cruising about the globe. I want God to build the house. He does things in ways different than I would do it. Often times He moves much slower. Sometimes there are financial stretching testings. There is always the personal training. I am ready to go to India again or not to. I like the idea that He gives to His beloved even when they sleep. It is not the modern 24/7 thing to do. But I know that what the church and the world need is the mighty Spirit of God. Man needs to stand aside. May I constantly seek His fullest blessing.
I have been trying to do God's work in God's way. After all, my resources and strategies are very limited. Sure I can stay up late or take other measures to get God's work done but this would be Paul doing it rather than God. I honestly have to learn how to do things God's ways. His way brings extra reward and blessing even when I am sleeping! This is one reason that I spend time praying and asking others to pray for us. Prayer helps in endless ways because it welcomes God to work in each and every situation. Each seminar message was greatly used because people were praying. Paul squeezed through that stomach bug and avoided countless accidents by God's grace. Finances came in and were transferred at the very last moment by the prayers of the people.
As we look ahead at other possible seminars in India and elsewhere, I want to really focus on God's way. Many talk about this or that opportunity, but I am shy at just cruising about the globe. I want God to build the house. He does things in ways different than I would do it. Often times He moves much slower. Sometimes there are financial stretching testings. There is always the personal training. I am ready to go to India again or not to. I like the idea that He gives to His beloved even when they sleep. It is not the modern thing to do. But I know that what the church and the world mostly need is the mighty Spirit of God to work. Man needs to stand aside. May I be constantly seeking His fullest blessing.
Back Home
As you may have guessed, I write this letter from my home study. I came in from a very long flight early Thursday night. And now, I am very groggy-minded. I hope this letter is somewhat clear! The Chinese talks at Singapore Bible College went well. The first class was more difficult as I started using my Chinese. But soon, it was coming out more fluently. Pray for revival of the church there. Many people know of the pressures and tendency to fit into the world, but rare is the person who is willing to challenge the whole system. They don't know that they can challenge it. The church is caught in the flow of the world. Prosperity and comfort are some of Satan's favorite tools. India is in some places still blessed with poverty. This might sound odd but from my experience it is true. Young men are willing to step out into full-time ministry with no money and very little education while the same person in the States or Singapore believe they need to spend tens of years in education costing many thousands of dollars to get to that point. And then they are reluctant to give up what they have and serve.
I have been trying to catch up on email and phone calls. Someone interested in our Overcoming Anxiety material. Another asking for our special Philippians 4 material. Pastor Alberto is back from South America and wants to talk more on translation and use of BFF material. Many people from around the world are asking for free materials. We are limited to sending only free materials full of BFF materials. Another asking if they can use our marriage evaluation page. The list can go on. It is neat to think that the Lord is bringing His blessing to well over 1,000 people a day even when I am sleeping on a jet flying 25,000 feet in the sky or preaching in some remote city in India.
Thanks to God
3 Great seminars. Paul felt the Spirit's anointing. Roughly 480 pastors are now equipped with 3 day training. One pastor was so revived that he started preaching to all the others!
Good health! Paul was healed just in time from the stomach bug for the 3 1/2 hour of bumpy and ricochet driving. (If I had a problem, they would merely pull to the side of the road.) I had no headaches and earaches to further clog up my mind this time!
Provision. God heard your prayers and had the money transferred at the last minute.
Safety. Always so important. Much appreciated.
Team work. Wonderful time working with the team. Another preacher joined the team for a message each day. God gave extra grace to both of us to work together. Paul really appreciated him when he was not well. My heart is always greatly touched as I think how these people give of their time for the sake of these other pastors.
Family well. Praise God again for providing care for my family when away. A timely sell of a generator helped with finances. Linda didn't even know I was trying to sell it.
The article on worship. Paul managed to write an article on the way to Singapore as requested.
Requests to God
That we would do God's work done in God's way. We want to have a greater blessing with less work. But that requires that we spend extra time attentive to Him.
May God not only bear fruit there with those 480 pastors/evangelists but make that fruit remain.
Pray for ongoing needs for Pastor Stephen.
- Church building needs US$17,000 for the roof so it can be used for worship and training. They fervently pray and fast that it will be done by January 2007.
- Evangelism of the 3007 villages. He knows it will take many years without other pastors. He wants to train other pastors and lay leaders to work with him. He has done some of this but much more needs to be done. (He hopes to use the newly built worship center for this).
-His car. His 1986 car is broken down for about 10 months now. (He took motorcycle to these far away places to plan these seminars).
Pray for the British showing of the Biblical Parenting documentary will be soon. Paul's prayer is that God would shake the UK to make them ready to learn God's ways.
Restoration for Paul as he gets back into the office work and creating and editing of new materials.
Keep remembering to pray for finances. We are thankful for the miracle of helping with the wedding, expenses above our average ones.
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Serving Together for the Glory of God,
Paul Bucknell
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