Pray BFF #93 July 3rd, 2006
Dear Prayer Team,
After the last parenting series, a sister asked if we could have another parenting class. She was very eager to have it. She couldn't attend the last one because of a prior discipling commitment. We agreed but stipulated that there must be at least five couples. Surprisingly, she found them, and we suddenly started a Godly Beginning for the Family class (in Chinese) on Monday nights (8 weeks). This class targets those expecting babies or those with newborns. The challenge is twofold: to start these families off right especially when they come with many unbiblical concepts. Secondly, how to fit in the time.
Busy beavers
With an upcoming wedding, Linda's new role as Children's Ministry coordinator and Paul's busy schedule, it is hard to fit this class in. We started last Monday. We are syncing computer calendars several times a day so that we do not make impossible appointments. For example, last Thursday, we had four adults going in four directions with only two cars all in the same evening. Canceling one of them relieved this situation Fortunately, Allison has been able to start watching many of the children but even this went too far.
Committed to the church?
After listening to a brother share about how many Christians he knows seem to be diligent in coming to a Bible study but not at all committed to going to church, the Lord put a burden upon Paul's heart. He wrote an article on becoming committed to the local church. Though not yet on the web, it is ready in eBook format (electronic book). May God use it and other things to call His people back to commitment to what He is committed to. (Let me know if you would like a free copy).
Thanks to God
The Lord stirred Paul to get going on the course design work for both the India 3-day and the Spanish 60 hour seminar this past week. More work needs to be done but this is a wonderful start to two big projects.
God powerfully worked in the hearts of parent that we spoke to last Friday. Many times their children's problems are often rooted in the parents problems. One couple sought Paul out for further counseling.
Praise God that even though two of our vehicles were out of commission, we could trust Him to fix them and arrange all the alternative plans. Thank the Lord that even though our van (lent to friends to move house) smashed a full grown deer on the highway, no one was injured. If they had taken someone else's van , they surely would have had many injuries.
Praise the LORD! Pastor Stephen's dad got better! He plays a significant prayer role in India.
Requests to God
Paul will be preaching on Titus in the next few weeks (July 16, 23) at the Oakland International Fellowship (OIF).
Plans for India are getting settled. Pray for Pastor Stephen as he picks out three places and does preparatory work. Some of BFF's materials are being translated into Oria (different from the first language Telegu).
Although dates are confirmed for India, Paul is still waiting to see if anyone will accompany him and whether he needs to go to any other countries on the trip.
Pray for Monday parenting classes as well as this Friday's (July 7th) when Paul (again in Chinese - I mention this because he is more desperate) brings the solutions to the problems that were uncovered last Friday. Also pray for this one family with a stray teen. Pray that God would "turn the hearts of the fathers to the children."
Paul has excellent opportunities to mentor different individuals. Pray that God would greatly bless these appointments.
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