Pray BFF #89                                  March 24th, 2006

Dear Prayer Team,

Speaking in Tongues

The seminar near Raleigh starts today and continues until Sunday. The retreat center is designed for smaller groups which provides time and opportunity to focus more on building up individual relationships. Paul will speak five times. One brother said that he will pray for Paul that he will speak in tongues. He appreciates that prayer! He needs to speak in Chinese. Fortunately he has had the aid of a translator for the slides and handouts. Pray that God will indeed revive each attendee and give them a deeper understanding how God purposes to use our personal devotion times to help us. And of course pray for fluency.

They came and went

After 25 hours of filming, the filming crew from Britain finally had enough of us. Mind you, that all this filming is for only 23 minutes (after commercials). Everything went well considering. Unfortunately, they wanted to do the filming from scratch. God gave us a good warm week and good health so it was nice that the children could play outside too. Please keep praying as it comes to your mind. Channel 5 (one of the five land channels (no cable there it seems) in Britain (evidently not BBC) is still trying to get a British family to give another side to Biblical parenting but with the threat of future laws in the country prohibiting spanking, it is not easy to volunteer giving evidence for future court scenes. May God use this film to turn the country back to God's ways.

The righteous is a guide to his neighbor, 
But the way of the wicked leads them astray. 
(Proverbs 12:26, NASB).

Parenting Class starts March 30th.

Due to my plane leaving soon, I need to send this off before adding thanks and more prayer requests. Hopefully we will write soon again. We so much appreciate your prayers while away from home.

Serving Together for the Glory of God,

Paul and Linda Bucknell
Biblical Foundation for Freedom
3276 Bainton St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

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