Pray BFF #74 June 18, 2005
Dear Prayer Team,
Completed by God's Grace
The ten week Biblical Parenting Principles series ended last Wednesday. We appreciate the change in the lives of the attendees. Biblical concepts of marriage and family have all but disappeared from this world. Previously, traditional religion and culture kept marriages and families together even though greatly distorted. But now many are questioning the very foundations of what once were considered basic relationships. No wonder God joined the key teachings of marriage and family into the creation account. Without this order, chaos breaks out for both culture and individuals. It is here, in the departure from Biblical standards, that we are seeing the torrent of evil break loose upon the world's cultures. Praise God for the many people that read and download the parenting material from the web. 168 have looked at the main Chinese page on the family so far this month Paul has spent many hours finishing up the book edition of the Biblical Parenting Principles. Until we have a binding machine, it will only be avaliable in a three ring binder.
Paul has also spent many hours, in the last two months, putting the finishing touches on the new Cross Training basic discipleship materials. These twelve booklets are designed with both the mentor and trainee in mind. Most discipleship materials focus on a person's relationship with God. Because of the decay of the family, many do not know how to have and maintain good relationships. This material weaves together ways to build our relationship with God and others at the same time. This is done by making careful observations of the key relationships that Jesus uses to teach us about God. Thanks to our daughter's efforts, there is a special design for each booklet. They are avaliable in either color or black and white. They will soon be on the web, Lord willing. Paul is excited about teaching one booklet each week to a class of twenty people including some non-Christians.
As these two huge projects draw to a close, several others stand in line waithing.
In the Planning
Paul has his fingers in several projects. This does not include the books he is writing. Planning the material for the September pastor's seminar in India is one of the more urgent projects. The theme, "The Making of a Godly Leader" will be based on Isaiah 53. He is thoroughly excited about this challenging material. May God help him as he works it through.
Another huge project, which has been in the planning for a quite awhile, hopefully will get a big boost next week. Paul has been preaching and teaching more lately so these projects often have to sit idle. The biggest challenge with 'The Flow' is the need to learn new media devices such as Library, camcorder and a number of software programs. But we do realize that our training materials need to move in this direction. Video training is more effective than just written materials, though still more awkward to distribute especially to poorer countries. Besides these projects, we are still developing Advanced Leadership Training curriculum and some other mini-projects. The ideas pour in so quickly but the need for proper formatting extends their publication date! Do pray for volunteers.
Thanks to God!
Requests to God
Praise the Lord for grace to teach the parenting class. The students have been very appreciative of what they have learned. They have repeatedly stated how they liked the practical examples and tips to highlight the Biblical principles. Thanks for your prayers!
We are thankful last weekend was our church's (Pittsburgh Chinese Church/Oakland International Fellowship) ten year anniversary and official celebration of our very first building (which we already fill)! The special messages on renewal were great.
Recent messages and classes went well.
People are regularly writing from around the world about being edified through the BFF materials. We are sometimes so focused on what is being developed that we forget how much God is using what has been done. Keep praying! One person working with students said, "I like the materials you have developed which are both biblical, well thought-out and attractive."
Thank the Lord that a little more financial support has been promised. It is a great answer to some basic needs.
Thanks to the Lord the Cross Training materials are complete as well as the Biblical Parenting Principles (in English and Chinese).
Cross Training is great for the summer because of its flexibility. The Sunday School class goes through August . God is using the material to deepen people's understanding of some powerful truths from His Word.
Paul is speaking on Sunday, 6/19.
My chief editor is loosing her computer! Pray for another for Linda! (Cyberschool has finished and we are returning the computers as we go back to more traditional homeschool next year).
Linda will be teaching the 2’s & 3’s Sunday School class for a couple more months. Since Paul and Linda teach at the same time, we need God's grace that none of our children need our care or get sick.
Ask the Lord for a binding machine so we can sell BFF books to people who want to read it away from their computer.
Pray for wisdom as Paul learns new media techniques, different software. Pray for a continually sensitive heart towards God, so that He will continue to teach him.
Paul prays for the ministry in India each day. Join him! Please pray for a team member as well as financial support.
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