Dear Friends and Family,
We have been delighted with the nice long, warm, dry fall. I hear a couple in our family crying out for snow. I trust they are appeased by the snow showers we are having today, the day before Christmas.
Last year we were talking of proposals and possible future changes. This year we get to update you on two new births.
Birth #1 A new child: Rebekah
After a year of trying to sell our home, with and without a real estate agent, we have come to the humble conclusion that God did not want us to move. Late last spring with a baby due in the fall, we decided to stay put until the baby arrived. As a result we are still in our old home, happy and content. How nice not to have to keep the house in showing shape! We are planning to stay put until God moves us onward.

October 16th became the birth date of our beautiful little Rebekah. The birth was incredibly smooth. This was Linda's first home birth but attended by the same devoted midwife group. Each new child has added a special dimension to our family, ever broadening the joy, love (need more forgiveness!) and enrichment of the heart.
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of ones youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They shall not be ashamed, When they speak with their enemies in the gate. (Psalm 127:3-5)
Linda does an amazing job at handling the myriad of things going on around this busy household from cooking, paying bills, caring, laundry, home schooling, etc., etc.. Rebekah (10 weeks) is still settling into life but is finally beginning to stretch her night sleep for longer periods so that her Mom can get a better sleep.
Birth #2 A new ministry: Overcoming Anxiety Seminar
Last year we mentioned a new ministry for Paul. Instead of speaking a lot, he turned to writing and the development of graphic materials for Christian growth for the web. Last winter he started Biblical Foundations for Freedom. Last month more than 100 pages of the 450 web pages on line were viewed each day. Releasing Gods truth for this present generation continues to be the major driving force for the different projects worked on. Paul's first major project, Overcoming Lust still brings many new viewers.
Right after the 911 tragedy, Paul was burdened by the Lord to develop a seminar entitled Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace and Discovering God. He is so encouraged by the very favorable responses of those attending this ten session seminar. We are seeing minor and very major changes in people's lives. God is releasing His truths and setting people free.
The many answered prayers for this seminar simply amaze us: use of LCD projectors, video and audio taping of each session, people to help set up, to the more important work in people's lives. Paul is so glad for the opportunity to speak again. Early next year, he hopes to combine each sessions computerdesigned slides with audio and produce it in movie format for the web site. There is still so much to learn but so little time!
We have been simply amazed how much God has done in one short year of this ministry. But even more than this, we have appreciated how God has been working deeply in our own lives. We ourselves are seeing Gods truth actively changing us, putting away sin and being strengthened by His Word.
Let us know if you would like to receive our biweekly email prayer letter.
We have all settled into the Pittsburgh Chinese Church at Oakland. For many of the children it took a bit of adjustment because their friends are in the mother church. Paul has, however, been involved heavily with the church from its inception 7 years ago. Just yesterday, the Oakland branch officially became its own church. Elizabeth and Christy have recently started helping teach Sunday School.
Feel free to keep in touch.
Paul and Linda Bucknell
3276 Bainton Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212