The Gospel brings man to God;
Paul even goes a step further. Experiencing God brings forth a ministry. In 4:1 Paul says, "This is our ministry." In other words, we as God's people have received the Spirit of God, and so we do not only have a knowledge of God but a ministry that flows from it. This is normal. Anything in the Old Testament is far surpassed in the New Testament. Moses had a ministry that developed from his intimacy with God. When we meet the Lord, we too experience the Lord. The opportunity has broadened out to all of His people.
Paul captures this intimacy with God even more specifically in chapter 5. Our bodies are described as tents (2). God lives in them. Paul well says in 4:11, "... That the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh."
Our perspective of personal devotions shapes the rest of our lives. For example, if we have a poor concept of meeting with God, then our appreciation of corporate worship will be crippled. However, if we can lay the proper foundation in our personal devotions, then we will come to corporate worship full of expectancy. We will actively seek His help in our daily lives.
Jesus gives us a perfect example of this communion with the Father in His life. We might dismiss this as not a model for us to follow. However, a host of scripture passages challenge us to know Christ, pray regularly, meditate on His word, obey His Word, walk in the Spirit, etc.
The word 'Christian' literally means 'little Christ.' We are to be like Christ. Our fellowship with God the Father differs not in whom we meet, but only in the way we come to Him. We come freely into God's presence in Christ's Name through the Holy Spirit. Listen to these words exhorting us to commune with God in John 14:23,
"Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our abode with him."
From a cursory look at the New Testament, we find that no matter what happened in the Old Testament with Moses, we are not only to look forward to this meeting with God, but we are to anticipate more from our time with Him. Not less, but more. The glory is ongoing rather than one which fades away. The passage from Exodus instructs Christians as to what is normal and good. The New Testament amplifies the glorious aspect of this intimacy with God.
The power of effective and constant devotions is found in the motivation to know and meet God. Jesus said in Matthew 5:6,
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Without this purpose of meeting God in our minds and hearts, we are merely occupying our time with religious activities. In a religious age, many would find these religious disciplines good just because others would look up to them. In our secular world, though, there is no time for any religion other than focuses on self. Even religious habits are largely despised. Unless we are rightly motivated, we will become weary in doing good. If you are struggling having regular and meaningful devotions, examine the reason you even have devotions. What is it that you really want from that invested time?
Let's now look at how to have effective quiet times. How can we meet God through our prayer and Bible study times? Next>